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Scattered leaves, fir needle, and thick honey musk.

aw, what a beauty! I almost passed this by, as I have already a good assortment of scents flaunting the lab's fabulous leaf note. some honey notes are wins, others go kinda foul on me. love fir and love the lab's musks.

although I can smell the leaves when I first put this on, this isn't a "dead leaves" scent when it dries down. once this hits my skin, the leaves retreat and what shines is a lovely combo of sweet fir jam over an elegant and subdued honey with the barest edge of pale musk. this fir and honey musk combo is DIVINE. very much an in-a-forest-glowing-aura kinda scent. dreamy and magical. Edited by annemathematics

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This is a soft and glorious perfume. In the bottle the leaves and needles are strongest but don't let that put you off. The honey is green and not overly sweet. The musk is rich and close to the skin. Only a waft of leaves and needles underneath grounding the whole thing. No sharpness at all. It becomes powdery on dry down but not baby powder, thank the makers. Overall, I'm so glad this is one of 2 lupers I chose. It is as lovely as I thought it would be.

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Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! All the notes are well-represented and seamlessly blended - this makes me feel as if I'm watching Apollo chase Daphne through dappled sunlight. The Illustrated Woman is my preferred pine/honey blend, but I expect Faun will soon take its place. It lasts forever too, and remains close to the skin throughout wear. Another keeper! Brava, Beth.

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Fir and I are not compatible, but I couldn't say no to honey musk, and I often love leaves when they're combined with something sweet.


Wet: Mmm! Very leaf dominant. Could easily be a "pile of fallen leaves" scent, though it has less bitterness than a dead leaf smell, and maybe smells a bit greener, sort of like a still living leaf, or one that hasn't dried yet. It's beautiful. The honey musk is subtle, but very much present. Then, between one sniff and the next, the friggin fir takes over. Gah. It's doing the "am I a pine tree, or a bucket or cat pee?? Who knows!?" thing. Kind of devastating.




Dry: It's softened a lot. The fir/cat pee smell has completely dissipated, and it's gone back to being leaf dominant. I do get sweetness, but the honey musk is not really identifiable as such, it's just vaguely sweet. I like this, but I don't love it, so the decant will be enough.

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Ooo this one is lovely! The honey musk is just so pretty, and really surrounds and reins in the fir, while the leaves are smooth, grounding, soft, and earthy but subtle (and not cologne-y). The fir fades a lot after a couple of hours on me and it's mostly musky honey smooth subtle leaves. This would be a great scent in the Fall too.

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On the wand: cold, windblown leaves, cold fir, and warm honey-sweet musk. Strange together.


On my skin, I get the cold leaves and fir. There’s something green, lichenous, and oakmossy about the blend at first, but somehow, after that I mostly get an herbal powdered ginger. The honey musk from the wand never appears on my skin. Usually those notes show up on me OK, if I can smell them from the bottle or wand, but not this time. A head scratcher.


This one really does a jig on my skin — and then, in about 20 minutes, it’s mostly gone.

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Wet: Leafy, and these leaves aren't very dead. Freshly fallen, green leaves. The fir needle is there, briefly, but fades as it usually does on me. The honey musk is pleasantly sweet and remains the dominant scent as it dries down, with the leaves fading. I'm not totally sure what kind of musk this is, but it reminds me somewhat of black musk, but not as heavy. It's a nice scent, but it's not my favorite kind of musk and I get tired of the green leaves after a while.

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In the bottle: Sharp and green.


Wet on my skin: The dead leaves and fir combine to smell very much like a sappy, crunchy, freshly-picked dandelion salad, flowers and all.


Dry: This smells like green dandelions and a bit of fir well into the drydown, but the honey musk starts to join them as its own note instead of adding a bit of sweetness after 15-20 minutes or so. The greens steadily fade into soft, dead brown leaves and a remaining bit of fir, and after about an hour on my skin, most of what is left is an absolutely beautiful sweet, soft musk. It's close to the skin most of the way through its wear, and just as I start getting tired of the greens, they dry and just add a bit of brittle "brown-ness" to the musk for a while. Definitely a scent experience as well as just a really nice thing to wear. I look forward to seeing if this ages as well as I think it will.

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I got this as a decant from a Luper circle, and then ended up tracking down a half bottle cause I really liked it.

First Sniff Impression: Oh, really nice. Refreshing light honey pine and leaves.

Wet in Vial: A sharp green, like when you take a stem of something in the woods, snap it in half, and smell the center of it.

Drying Down on Skin: The honey helps this one out right away, otherwise the greenery would be too sharp and almost bitter. It smells like very fresh leaves, like the first shoots of them coming out in spring. It's a forest, slightly pine scent, but very different from some of the deeper pine oils. I'm not getting musk at all yet, though, which is ok with me.


Dry on Skin: Ok, this does get muskier as it dries, but it's definitely a woodsy, almost sweet furry animal musk. It's not the heavy red musk that I can't stand in other scents. It simply adds to the honey to warm up the leaves, which are now much more subtle and blended with everything else.

Conclusion: I actually liked this one better when I first put it on: fresh, sharp and green like a new forest. What it morphed into wasn't unpleasant at all, but I have less of an idea when I'd actually want to wear it now. I guess it's fitting for Lupercalia that it went from fresh, virgin woods to forest goat sex party, but yeah. I'll just have to revisit this later and see what I think then.

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In the Bottle:

Honey musk and fir. Soft and cool

On the Skin:

I see what everyone means when they say these are not dead, dry leaves. The honey musk is forefront but the soft green of the fir and the warm not-exactly green of the leaves keep the scent cool and cologney.

On the Drydown:

I am loving that honey musk note. This is not really a morpher. It stays as a soft musky forest scent. Gorgeous. Low throw but it is an intimate scent anyway; more a whisper than a shout.

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This forest is bright and green. It really is like new growth in the forest. I get a bit of the honey, but it isn't overly sweet. It actually reminds me quite a bit of tree sap. It's still kind of sweet, but it's mostly an extension of the trees. It's nice and simple. I could see using this to layer with for anything that you'd want "in the woods", even though it's still fine on its own.

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Fir, leaves, and honey fur. I swear, I am getting some soft fur from this. Soft, gentle, and cuddly. Low throw, good wear length.

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I anticipated that the fir needle would be more pungent and dominant this scent, but when I tried it, I didn't even detect the fir needle until I read the description and thought, "I guess that's the background winteryness." It doesn't even seem like fir needle, just a general winteryness with thick honey musk being most dominant. This seems like a Yule scent - wintery outdoorsyness and candy.

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Oy vey. Its funk. Thats all I keep thinking as it wafts up to my nose. The faun smells like funk :P The honey musk and 2ndary leaves completely amps over the fir needle...so sad...it could have been lovely.

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Holy WOW. That feeling when the pine scent I've been dreaming about has been sitting in my imp box all along... I remember something about this not working for me when I first got it (probably the leaves), but my oh my, 2 years aging has done wonders on this baby! Perfect clean, fresh, blue-smelling pine balanced with something delightfully sweet, fruity and fresh! The lab's leaves note is usually a big no from me dawg, but not here! The leaves smell fresh and green earthy, without any dreaded soapy-ness! The honey musk is doing something unexpected and delightful on me. It's very fruity and sweet, almost a sweet citrus smell. This reminds me of some of those Bath and Body sweet piney candles I shamefully hoard every holiday season. ?Dry down is a soft pine and gentle skin musk, drizzled with honey and topped with big juicy curl of orange zest. Need to track down a bottle for sure! :heart:

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This one plays with my heart. It starts with a sharp, green smell, like you took a tumble through grass and broke the all the leaves along the way. Then all the fun and games become something darker: something truly rank comes out to play (that cat-pee smell another viewer mentioned!) that almost made me wash it off. Yet I was determined to see this through, and through some truly inexplicable alchemy, the scent shifts like a change in the wind -- that nasty animal odor gives way to warm, soft fur with a hint of honey, like a kitten that's gotten their paws covered in the stuff. And just when I think it's settled down, it's up and bolting through the grass again.


TL;DR: this scent goes between frolic in the woods, 'oh god what is that smell', and 'let me cuddle you forever, sweet creature' for me. I 100% agree with "honey fur" and "sweet furry musk" descriptions. I honestly kind of am in love with it, though the nasty animal smell means I'll be putting it on early before I go out, to make sure it settles.

ETA: re the greenness, it took me a long time to place it, but it has something reminiscent of tea tree (and/or citronella) as it mellows out. I like that sort of scent, personally, but if you dislike that for any reason you may want to try and sample this first before committing to a bottle.

Edited by Kytha

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A burst of honeysuckle, right up front, with a spicy richness underneath.  The scent is juicy and green.  I can smell the fir needles, but they're the bright new needles of spring,  not last year's Christmas Tree boughs.  The forest scent becomes dominant, but there's still a thread of honeysuckle underneath which is lovely.  I never get "honey."  It's not golden or sweet enough for that.  My nose reads this and strait up BPAL honeysuckle note.  That's ok though.  This is wonderfully reminiscent of a sunny forest frolic.  

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So realistic and beautiful!  Like walking through the woods, the ground strewn with leaves and fir needles.  I also notice the honey! It adds a surreal touch to the forest scene in my mind.  I’m a forest scent lover, I’ve tried them all, and this blend is very special! I’ll have to track down a bottle.

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