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BPAL Madness!

Snowball Fight

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Last winter, we took Lilith to New York for the first time. We were en route to the march in Washington, DC, with our friends, and made a few pit stops on the way. This photo was taken a split second before I got snowballed in the face at the East 72nd Street Playground. The handsome devil in the background is one of Liliths best friends in the world, Kyle.

Snowballs and vanilla ice cream.

This is a freezing cold scent for sure! Cool mint, ozone, and vanilla. A perfect winter scent in a bottle. I think of icy vanilla kissed with minty snow when I smell it.

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This at first whiff brings me immediately to Talvikuu (I think I started the BPAL craziness back in 2006 or so). The snow note is not too mint-forward, but it's that slushy note that includes, somehow, the ozonic whiff of any remaining pine greenery, mixed somehow with how the cold air feels and smells as it chills your nose and numbs your ability to smell a bit... definitely there's vanilla in the background, and it warms the last bit of the ozone snap.


The snowiness dies down pretty quick to leave a tasty smear of vanilla whisper behind.


I'd get more of this just to experience the first few moments of slather!

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The mint and ozone are very strong in the bottle and wet, but within maybe 15 minutes this dries down to a lovely, not too sweet vanilla with an undertone of musky mint. Pretty much a perfect not quite foody snow scent.

Edited by Deceitfuldescender

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I wanted to love this, and I do like it, but only on the dry down. I was hoping that out of the box it would smell similar to the Snow White(s), but....

Gah! B.O. and light camphor! Lavender? Fir? The longer this was open, the more it grew on me. Definitely a wintry scent. Not Xmas. I could wear this.

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Bought a bottle and thrilled that I did. I'm definitely getting more of a pine/fir type zest than ozone on first application, but the drydown is a sweet vanilla (with a slight perfumy ozone) that I could happily huff forever. And while the drydown stage is my favorite the pine-y mint (a lighter mint and stronger pine note for me here) is still very pleasant and I'm pleased with the oil all around.


I am a vanilla fiend and this has my stamp of approval. A happy addition to my Bpal box.


ETI: After it's sat in my box for a minute the pine/fir ozone has sharpened to shrieky perfume! heights..... I'm hoping it calms the fork down because the wet stage is strong and a little bit unpleasant. I know the drydown is nice so I'm hoping if I leave this one to age quietly it will tone down a bit. We shall see. ?

Edited by Labylove

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Well, this takes me back to the deep snow of my childhood. Making snow ice cream with a sore throat sucking on a Halls. I never really perfected how to make snow ice cream, it always had too much vanilla extract or not enough cream.

Edited by Jenjin

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Vanilla ice cream with a little snow in the bottle. I had forgotten that the Lab's vanilla ice cream note has gone funky on me the last few times I tried it, so I was seized with apprehension, but forth Eorlingas and all that.

Goes on as snow and ozone. The vanilla ice cream note flickers weirdly for a few seconds but then vanishes, to my relief. As it dries, it becomes less "snow" and more of a menthol/ozone blend. Very much like a Halls menthol cough drop without the hard edges.

By the time it dries completely it's settled as a menthol-tinged white fir. I just got a bottle of White Fir, so I don't think I'll need this.

Not as bad as I feared; not as good as I hoped.

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This, unfortunately, didn't work on me as intended. It went on like blue slushies -- you know, the ones you get at 7-11. Syrupy snow cones and potpourri and sweet mandarin and menthol and eucalyptus. The inside of a Christmas ornaments shop or a Bath & Body Works in early December. It clears my nose to sniff it, but it isn't something I want to wear.

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Wet: The snow note here is a very pine-sol kind of note. Smells like tree. Mixed with eucalyptus which gives a sense of coldness. Neither of those notes blends well with the underlying ice cream, which is sweet and creamy and yummy, way less buttery and rich than the ice cream note in Detestable Putrescence, which was rancid smelling on me. I keep wishing this was more ice cream and less tree/eucalyptus. I wish this was ice cream plus the snow note from Mat Night. This particular combo is not working on me at all. My eyes water when I sniff it.


Dry: Sweet pine and eucalyptus. It loses the cold edge. This smells nothing like I imagined. It smells like a forest rather than a snowball, on me, and any hint of ice cream fades really quickly. Not for me!

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I'm getting a sweet, snow note. Kind of reminds me a bit like Go To Sleep Darlings, only snowier. I'd probably get this if I didn't already have a couple of snow perfumes already. Very elegant and simple.

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This.. isn't what I expected at all. The first time I put it on, a got a roaring migraine, even though vanilla and mint scents don't usually bother me. I waited a week or two before trying it again, and today seems to be going much smoother. I don't smell "snow". It smells clean, it smells green - there is definitely spruce or fir, and maybe some white flowers in there somewhere. The vanilla comes out upon drydown, and it smells remarkably like the Christmas aisle at Joann Fabrics.


I don't think I'll buy more, although I will use up what I have left in my imp.

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In the bottle: When I first smelled this, I thought it may have the same, sweet, sugared pine snow note of Snow Bunny. Now, I'm not so sure. (I haven't had the atmosphere spray for ages, so I can't compare.) I get the perfume-y, sweet snow note that reminds me of that, but I also get a ton of pine and/or spruce from this, along with some citrus.


Wet: Citrus and tree needles mingled with a sugary snow note (not the one from Snow White and Go to Sleep, Darlings). It's a slushy, citrus-y, somewhat minty, ozonic snowball covered in pine needles.


Dry: This is mostly sugared, lightly minty, coniferous snow with some warm vanilla finally starting to emerge in the background. The vanilla ice cream note comes out more over time, but it is still a lot softer than the coniferous snow note.


Verdict: It's not the sweet snow note I had been hoping for (although it is sugared), and I was also hoping the vanilla would be stronger on me. Still, it's a nice snow scent, and I will keep it around and wear it around Yule. Maybe I'll end up getting more of the vanilla with age.

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I expected this one to be much like Go To Sleep, Darlings or Snow Bunny or perhaps a mix of the two : softer snow, sweeter snow.


In fact, it is quite a sharp snow when sniffed from the bottle. Happily, as I absolutely adore Beth's snow blends, I don't much mind that sharp bite. On the drydown, it lessens somewhat and then we get the fluffy vanilla from the ice cream note.


Happy with this. I only need the one bottle but I am happy with it.

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NYC snowball fight sounded delish.




Ragamuffin nailed it with B.O. as an unlisted note. ;) I was put off immediately on application because it smelled like what I remember P.E. in fourth and fifth grade to smell like... a time before young boys discovered that deodorant and showers made them much more pleasant to be around, especially while sweating.


To lessen the ick factor, there's a perfume-y undercurrent which made me hopeful, as anything would have been better than staaaaank.


As it dries, the B.O. wears off but becomes a pine-sol scent with a tinge of sweetness. I imagine this is supposed to evoke a chilly, Christmassy feeling, but it makes me want to scrub off since pine usually triggers terrible migraines.


Dry down, its pine-sol remains until about hour three or four, at which point the sweet, not-quite Vanilla (a semblance, perhaps, but its resemblance is skewed by the strong pine-sol scent) comes out.


Toward hour six, pine-sol begins to fade, and more of a sugared mintiness comes forward, but it not like the sugared mint we see in the Lick It series.



I, too, was hoping more for a Snow Blind, Snow White, or other soft snow scent. This trends more toward a Nuclear Winter (total blast) profile, which makes me think it might be a great masculine fragrance, as my partner wears Nuclear Winter very, very well.


I'll age it to see what happens because I really want to love it. I mostly think it's "just okay" at the moment. If I come back to it in six months and it still smells at all the same, it has to go to my partner... or maybe to one of you. :)


(P.S. I got a headache over the course of the first few hours of wearing, but I can't be sure it was attributed to this scent in particular, and it wasn't a migraine, per se, as coniferous notes tend to give me—so I'm not sure if there is pine or fir or other notes in the perfume or if it was "just an everyday headache" totally coincidentally :))

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I have a decant of this, and it has that beautiful snow and fir note that I love! Smells VERY similar to another BPAL with these notes, but I can't remember which. It's a touch vanilla-y, but I don't really get any ice-cream from it. Unsure if this is a good thing or not, as sometimes that kind of scent can just be too much on me.


But on me, chilly sweet snow and fir trees.

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i'm super happy with this. in the bottle, it was all eucalyptus/camphor and cold mint. not super pleasant. but i tried it on. very cold, pine-y, minty. almost headache inducing. but after a while that burnt off and i was left with a lovely, cool, fresh vanilla. the initial blast of cold softened up so very nicely. i completely agree with comparisons to go to sleep, darlings. my only complaint is that it seems to have worn off fairly quickly, even in my hair - and i'm a slatherer!

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In the bottle: Sweet mint, with a little hint of vanilla ice.


Wet: Lot more mint, perhaps a wintergreen mint.


The dry-down: The mint calms down slowly. The sweet note of the vanilla ice/snow also slowly breaks through the wintergreen.


This was the Bpal Lilith I was looking forward the most to. It's beautiful in the bottle, but not quite as lovely on my dry, acidic skin, alas. I want it to be more sweet than minty. Perhaps it's time to try the scent locket again. :) It seems to be moving towards the sweetness, albeit not as fast as I would like. Still, it's my fav of this years' scents in honour of Lilith.


ETA: Aging has allowed the sweetness in the dry-down to show up faster. :)

Edited by thekittenkat

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Sweet, snowy mint with a splash of vanilla. Dry: More mint but then it becomes fake mint like Orbit's gum and vanilla. The Vanilla note is fantastic..the mint...not so much. :ack:

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Something surprisingly feral about this blend, like wild animals in a snowy forest. The snow-slush note is there, adn the vanilla, but the sweaty muskiness is not what I was expecting. Off to swaps.

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Piney snow note dominates at first, which I’m a fan of, yet find it to dominate in most blends featuring. After a half hour or so, the vanilla gains dominance and it’s a slightly chilled vanilla. 

I’m glad to have a partial decant of this, and am testing it to see if I want to risk a bottle of Marshmallow Snow, or seek out a bottle of this. I think I might go with MS, as the drydown of this is pleasant, yet not strong enough on me to need a full bottle 

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