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The Misty Marshmallow Sugarbunnies of Niflhel

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Of the runes of the gods
and the giants race
The truth indeed can I tell,
(For to every world have I won;)
To nine worlds came I,
to Niflhel beneath,
The home where
pink bunny Peeps dwell.

This one shocked me! I was expecting pink sugared marshmallows--this is FRUITY sugar! [see my edit below if this scares you.] It smells like pixi stix and fun dip! VERY sweet! It reminds me of a bunch of different flavors of pixi sticks dumped out in a pile and snorted, Tony Montana-style. I put some more on to get a better idea of what I was smelling, and I think I've figured out what fruit this reminds me of- it reminds me of the fruit note in Blue Pumpkin Floss, but without any sourness. And no pumpkin or spice and wayyyyy more sugar.

On the skin, the scent doesn't really morph, but gets lighter. It's IN YOUR FACE in the bottle, but not on the dry-down.
Hours later, this is a very pretty sugar scent. Not really fruity at all anymore. I don't know if I'd wear it wet to the office, unless I want to smell like I've rolled in that color-changing Fun Dip, but when it's dried down, it's light and nice. But SUGARY still.


EDIT: Trying this again a couple days later, after it's gotten a chance to rest from the transport for over 24h. I'm getting more marshmallow and less fruitiness now. It reminds me a bit of the Aquolina Pink Sugar scent but without musk or sandalwood or caramel--it's all the pink sugar top note (though I still detect that blue-raspberry note when it's wet). Once it's dried down for a few hours, it's all pink sugared cotton candy.

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I tested this the day it arrived after letting it rest for eight hours, and then again, two days later. My experience ended up being the same on both days.


In the bottle, it makes me think of Cap'n Crunch Berries. There's something about the Lab's marshmallow combining with fruity sugars that makes me think of cereal, because I got the same thing from Cabbage White Caterpillar HG in the bottle and on the initial spray (although that one is more like Trix or the LÖÖPS).


On my skin, it was like Cap'n Crunch Berries with an undertone of the Fun Dip powder that mollison mentioned, but it became more like fruity sugar and less cereal-like as time went on. It was very blue on me. I thought it was blueberry sugar with hints of a brighter sugar backed by the creaminess of the marshmallow (which was just adding some creaminess in the background for the first several hours). I would not be surprised if there were a blue raspberry note, though! The marshmallow note wasn't distinctly MARSHMALLOW on me until after four hours. Then it’s undeniably marshmallow with some sweet sugar in the background. I love this phase of the scent!


I am undecided on this one. I don’t dislike the sugarfest that this is for the first three hours on me, but I am here for the marshmallow, and that doesn’t end up becoming a main player on my skin until after several hours of wear. I am going to let my bottle settle some more and retest it in a few weeks, as I really want to love this (because of the marshmallow and the name), but I just don’t think I’d reach for it as often as other marshmallow scents in my collection.


ETA: This ended up being a keeper. It still reminds me more of cereal and marshmallow than a marshmallow peep, which makes it go perfectly with Cabbage White Caterpillar HG.

Edited by doomsday_disco

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When I first tried this on, it was like !!SUGAR!! and I got references to sugary cereal.


Now that the bottle has rested for a bit, on my skin it's sweet pink sugar that covers peeps, but not as strong, with hints of marshmallow.


In my scent locket, I get way more marshmallow. Sweet, pink, maybe slightly fruity, with sprinkles of sugar, marshmallow. Such a happy scent!

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Sugary Fruity Pebbles is really what I get. Pink, sugary, marshmallow peeps with notes of fruitiness. Medium throw and wear length.

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Wet: Yep, I definitely agree with previous reviewers; this is sugary, fruity cereal.


Dry: The marshmallow has finally come out! It smells like a marshmallow rolled in fruity cereal.


I'm all about it, and will be upgrading to a big bottle.


edit: Oh! I just thought of what this also reminds me of; the leftover milk after eating a bowl of fruity cereal. It smells like there's a little bit of that in here, a "milk" note or something.

Edited by donkehpoo

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If you ever wanted to add just the Lucky Charms marshmallows to a bowl of Fruity Pebbles in sugary milk and suck it all down, but some sane adult stopped you, this one's for you.

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My nose feels like it licked the outside of a pink peep and couldn’t catch a break on the lingering sugar-high. Damn, this is some sweet stuff. It’s not marshmallowy at all on me, but it’s like the pink sugar crust outside the peep piled on a table. I’m going to let this age some because I think it could be quite nice with a little time on its side, mellowing it out and giving it a sweet, cutesy pink vibe rather than a HO-MY-GAWD, SWEET bite.

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I definitely see the "sugar" note people are talking about: To me, this is nearly identical to Golletes (though this blend doesn't last as long).

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wet: 100% fruity pebbles, no marshmallow. i don't hate it, but don't know if this is what i signed up for/want to smell like.


dry: this dries so beautifully! the marshmallow comes out fluffier and the fruity pebblesness turns into a light "pink" (I'm leaning I like anything "pink" - whatever that means :P ) fruitiness (not any specific fruit, just an added angle to the sweetness). To me it becomes something lovely and sweet and fluffy without being literal marshmallow or literal fruity pebbles.


I never thought "marshmallow" was my thing, but after reading repeated glowing reviews of the lab's marshmallow note I decided I had to try this one. It's not what I expected (seems like I'm not exactly alone here), but I really do love it and am excited to try other marshmallow scents that maybe hit marshmallow more on the head.

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Thoughts before testing: Stekk from the 2015 (or maybe 2016?) Yules is one of my all-time favorite perfumes and since I've only got one bottle of that I'm always on the look out for marshmallow replacements. I'm hoping that this will hit that same olfactory spot.


Wet: Wowza, nothing but super sweet Fruity Pebbles.


Dry down: After five or so minutes, the Fruity Pebbles fades and leaves just a sweet slightly fruity marshmallow.


Dry: Pretty sugar with just a hint of fruitless.


FInal thoughts: Normally I steer clear of fruity scents but the fruit is so light here that I don't mind. There isn't enough actual marshmallow in this for me to jump for joy and Stekk is a lot warmer and fluffier so I don't think this will fill my backup spot. But it is pretty in it's own right and I definitely like it enough to keep the decant.


Verdict: keeping, but not a bottle purchase.

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I took a chance on this, as some fruit scents can be really bad on me, but I'm really digging the lab's marshmallow note, (even though I'm not a foody).  I do get the marshmallow in the dram, but not on the skin.  What I'm getting is uber sickly sweet strawberry of the fake variety.  This is a huge miss, and will be rehomed. I haven't met a strawberry I liked from BPAL, but I keep trying...

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Usually the marshmallow note works well on my skin, as does sugar, but for some reason, this scent went off on my skin and smelt like stale peeps. I had to wash it off. Pass.

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hmmm ok, i’ve been wanting this one FOREVER - like forever - and recently got a bottle and idk how i feel about it. 


it’s absolutely accurate to say it’s not as much marshmallow as it is like a fruity-ish sugar smell, but testing a second time this smells very much like laundry detergent on me. 


it smells fine, but it pretty headache inducing for me. will retest again but idk if i’ll keep this one. ??

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I finally got a bottle of this and.. I don't like it.  It smells like someone crushed up sweet tarts candies and it's powdery, artificial, chalky, and sour-ish.  Nothing about it smells like marshmallow to me.  There's also an undertone of something pukey and off smelling about it, reminding me of what bpal's champagne note does on my skin.  

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