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Every leaf tells a story.

Oh god it's so good.


Okay so I've actually done the maple syrup thing. I've collected buckets of sap from tapped maple trees and dumped them in a sleigh and taken it all down to the sugar house. Actual maple sap has such a light, sweet smell, but this.... THIS smells like boiling that sap in the sugar house, all the rich, gorgeous steam filling the rafters with mesmerising patterns in the sunlight streaming through the board slats. The dead leaves note is strong at first but this is a scent that's primarily about the maple. This isn't pancakes, folks. This is maple magic.

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This is sugary rich maple syrup on my skin. The dead leaves note gets overwhelmed by the maple, which I suspect is skin chemistry as the two notes actually have a really pleasant balance initially. I had hoped for more of a dry sappy-ness from this blend but it’s still pleasant in its sweetness.


This blend has pretty good throw, so a little goes a long way. It’s not in my normal wheelhouse but would be good for days when I want a bit of sweet.

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The maple note is definitely dominant in this one, both in my decant and on my skin. It plays really well with the dead leaf note, though -- the notes balance out to something warm, dry, and sweet without being cloying (as opposed to the bitter, green scent people sometimes get with the dead leaves). If maple sounds even a little bit appealing to you, this is one to try.

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On wet, this is a very green sap and dead leaves blend with a touch of sweetness. As it dries, the maple sap becomes more prominent, more sugary, and more what I'd call of a maple syrup and the dead leaves recedes a bit. It's quite a foodie/Autumn blend. Good throw and wear length.

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Dead Leaves and Maple Sap is beautiful and long-lasting on me, with a little throw (something I rarely get with my skin chemistry). It's a lovely balance of the dead leaves note with some live leaves and maple syrup, but it's not too sweet, and it does not read as foodie on me. It reminds me quite a bit of October, which is a win in my book. Autumnal, long-lasting, and work appropriate.

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I absolutely love this! Medium throw, decent wear time (maybe 4ish hours before I have to really huff and look for the scent)... It smells like a maple candy plus a high end "autumn" candle, but not in a bad way. 


Second thoughts: Did you ever get "Knock-a-dolly" atmo spray from BPTP? This is like the companion perfume to that. And I am a huge Knock-a-dolly fan.


I don't know that this will be a multiple bottle purchase, but I for sure will be getting one!

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In vial: Dead Leaves and maple syrup, actually.


On me: Sweet maple syrup on top, darker leaves underneath, with a woodsy note and some of the tobacco-esque bitterness I've gotten from some of the dead leaf blends. As it dries down, those vegetal elements predominate--an almost bitter, rotting scent which isn't hugely strong or offensive but isn't particularly nice either.


On cloth/hair: Distinctly maple syrup, strong and sweet, almost cloying.


Verdict: I can't get this to balance for me, and more's the pity, because it works so well in theory. I wonder if aging will help?


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I might start that Maple syrup is absolutely not common in Europe/Austria, so I've never eaten or smelled it. But it made me curious!


Vial: sweet and earthy

On my skin: first I get a slight green note, but it's still sweet and kind of earthy. With dead leaves beneath. But the earthiness is not like from patchouli, it's rather a resinous earthiness.


Dry the sweetness vanished and the resinous dead leaves note is left.


I likely need a bottle of this!

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The DL & Maple Sap is scratching the itch I wanted from the Warm Sugar Cookies blend. 

Starts off with the strong crunchy leaf scent, slightly sugared. As it dries, the maple comes out stronger and takes over the leafiness. I never thought I wanted to smell like maple sugar, but this crytalline warmth is soooo luscious and perfect. The Dead Leaves linger in the background slightly, keeping this scent in the Autumn vibe rather than straight sweet syrup. Has great wear length! 


I’m grateful for the frimp of this and now want a bottle! 

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I love maple (because I'm Canadian?) and I love this. It's not super sweet on me; the maple and the slightly bitter leaves note are both distinct and temper each other perfectly, especially after I've let it sit for a month or so. As others have noted, it lasts a good long while on me...normally I like to reapply at lunch on work and realized mid afternoon I didn't need to. It does feel very autumnal, and I find it a very lovely, comforting scent.


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This is hands down my favorite dead leaves. I never would have tried it had a wonderful forum member not sent it to me as a frimp. I assumed I would have smelled like maple syrup which is not my thing. This is glorious! The most perfect fall scent I’ve tried in a long time. True dead leaves + Maple sap. Bravo Beth! 

Edited by ziggystardust13

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Retesting my decant that has been sitting around for forever, so that I can review it.


This is the very green sharp dead leaves note, not my favorite version. The maple sap helps tone down the sharpness of it. After a while it all calms down into a scent that is like the dead leaves that I prefer. Overall, not one I would reach for, as I have many more dead leaves scents that I really love. 

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While it smells absolutely divine in the bottle it seems like it's unwearable for me. After a while all I smell is sweet and cloying maple syrup amped to high heavens. Too bad. 

I'll try again with just the tiniest dab and see if it will make it any better. 

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A free bottle from the Lab! ?


Dead Leaves can have that cologne-y note on me, but I like sweet and I like maple, so I'm intrigued!


On: ooh, that's maple sugar! Like a maple sugar candy.


After a few minutes, it's still very maple sugar heavy - that's the forefront! But something else is coming out - I don't know that I would have guessed that it was Dead Leaves without knowing it, though! Like other people've said, it's something very autumnal - like the scent you'd get walking through a forest, or a thickly wooded tree-lane, in the fall. It's plantlike/earthy/rich dark browns and greens. But it actually *doesn't* seem to be doing the DL men's cologne note on me, which I expected it to, so I am excited! It's both strong and long-lasting - I think I accidentally got some on the sleeve of my sweater, and now it's just wafting up all around me every time I move.


Awesome Husband's comment when asked: "something sort of dark and sweet? not bad." ?

Edited by splendidissima

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