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Dead Leaves, Apricot, Ambergris, and Tobacco

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Every leaf tells a story.

Let me start off my saying that I'm not a big "dead leaves" fan. But that's merely due to ignorance, I haven't smelled enough of them to really know if it's something I would like. But apricot and tobacco sounded awesome.

First, in the bottle, it smells like some fruit that is overripe, beginning to rot. Not pleasant.

First try on the back of my hand: On the skin, it retains that overripe smell, and slowly mellows during the drydown. Once dry, it's much different.

Lightly feminine, lightly sweet, lightly fruity. The first thing that comes to mind is apricot gum. I don't know of any apricot gum, so it's a weird association. Maybe a bit like the smell when you initially walk into a Pier 1 imports store. Like vaguely woody and sweet. To my nose, I'm not getting any tobacco, but if I think hard enough, I can imagine tobacco leaves. I think my skin is sucking up the apricot, I'm beginning to only smell a salty musk, which I assume is the ambergris. It eventually settles into a clean, oceanic skin musk.

Second try in crook of arm: I remember someone saying that if you don't like something, try a "dry" and "wet" spot. Elbow is going to be warmer, so trying again. Still starts out overripe. I think the apricot is a bit louder this time, with the subtle ambergris in the background. This kinda smells like a cocktail you might get in a fancy restaurant. Still not picking up any tobacco. The fruit is hanging on longer, and everything is settling into a sweeter skin musk.

Off to sell!

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Apricot, ambergris and a touch of smoky dead leaves. I get mainly apricot sweetness with a touch of watery ambergris over the dead leaves.

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I love this one. The apricot is beautiful and held in check by the ambergis and dead leaf note. It's stunning. Bottleworthy for sure.

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I got less of the dead leaves note in Dead Leaves, Apricot, Ambergris and Tobacco than in any other DL scent I tried this year.  And I love the dead leaves note.  Here I get mainly ripe apricot and ambergris.  The tobacco (and this fall's tobacco note is a beauty too!) and leaves are faint on me.  It's possible, even probable, that these notes will strengthen with aging and balance this out to work better on me, but there were so many wins in these Weenies that I'm not sad to have one I can pass by. 

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In the decant I get fruity apricots, no dead leaves note. On my skin, the fruitiness vanished and it turns into a man's cologne. Sad but no scent for me! Dry there's a slight dead leaves note, but that darn cologne... ?

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Clean Ambergris, salt, a rounded sweetness from the apricot, bitterness from the dead leaves, and perhaps a perfumed whisper from the tobacco. On my skin it settles into a spicy, clean, and sweet scent.  If you are looking for a more masculine or unisex scent don't be thrown off by the sweetness in the bottle. The scent really morphs once it hits the skin. I would also note that this is not your stereo typical cologne smell.

This is a classy unisex scent.


Edit: Ahh... So sad. Perhaps it needs more time to develop. But it's dried down into a very strong throwing somewhat screechy classic lady perfume. 

Edited by Amorphous Red

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Wet: Oooh. The apricot in this one is gorgeous - bright and tart, and at the forefront. Hints of musky ambergris. I don't get any of the leaves, but I am not even mad about it.



Dry: Dries down to a very quiet, soft apricot and ambergris. I never get the tobacco or leaves. It's somehow melancholy. I like it. I need to give it a full slather test, but I like it. 

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Initially smelled like beachy potpourri, though the potpourri aspect thankfully goes away.


Leaves behind a mix of ambergris and apricot. A mild apricotjuice on a bed of sweet beachy musk.


The dead leaves scent in this is incredibly mild. I only get it on wrist sniff, I think that's what was reading 'potpourri' on application.


I don't get any tobacco at all.

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