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Jupiter Nourished by the Goat Amalthea

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Engraving by Jacques Jordaens

Goat’s milk, nectar, ambrosia, and honey.

Wet: Gingerbread and honeyed fruit. Yummy!
Dry: Fruit with honeyed milk. Slightly soapy.
Drydown: Thankfully, soapiness turned to floral nuttiness. Milk note is more of a soft cloud around me.

2nd time testing: Bready, like yeast and hops. Reminds me of Narr. Getting a bit of rubber at the end, but that comes and goes. Still soft and milky.

Average wear and throw.

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I'm a fan of the Lab's goats milk, so I was happy to see what was going on with this scent based on that one note alone, and it's a good one! The goats milk is creamy and warm and there's the slightest rind of honey to sweeten it up, but it's really subtle- don't think this is O mixed with goats milk, or you will be sadly disappointed. However, the second in command would be the nectar. I've only smelled this note in one other item, which was the Nectar Hair Gloss. In the HG, Nectar was front and center. Here it's less obvious but still rather present. If you adored Nectar HG, get thee to a place to procure a bottle of this here Jupiter Nourished, as you will not be sad about it!
Low to medium throw, but test before slathering because this has some very dense, very rich notes in the mix that might require a light touch for some folks.
I sometimes need scents that feel like the equivalent of curling up in a thick, soft blanket, and I'm delighted to have this one to add to that mix for the long winter that lies ahead. :luv2:

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I got this for my boyfriend but ended up liking it for myself (and he's not crazy about it, so it's okay).


It goes on sweet, slightly fruity, and I agree with the above reviewer who said bready. As time goes by the creamy milk note comes out stronger. After a longer while, it reminds me of a fluffy coconut confection of some sort, kind of airy. The fruit is kind of nonspecific, and I never picked out much honey from the blend.


I do like it and I don't have many (more or less) straightforward gourmand scents, so I'm leaning towards keeping this one. I would think that someone who likes foody scents could wear this any time of year, I don't particularly think "Halloween!" when I am wearing it.

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Bottle fresh from the Lab.


In the bottle: The first thing I notice is butter, loud and clear and so realistic. Then butterscotch hard candies. Lastly, a whiff of something fruity that reminds me of strawberries and cream, although it is too vague for me to definitely identify the fruit as strawberry.


On me, wet: I get a strong whiff of strawberries right at first, next a brief tour of all of the above-mentioned notes. Then it settles down into caramel strawberries. Super-foody. And every note is delicious.


At 5 minutes: Some coconut has appeared. Of course - the ambrosia.


At 10 minutes: Strawberries and cream. Some caramel, but less than before. (I'm guessing that note is really the honey.) With coconut on top. It's an ice-cream sundae! Lucky baby Jupiter!


At 20 minutes: The caramel/butterscotch/honey note is beginning to take over. And something is turning into plastic. Fruit notes have a tendency to do that on me.


At 30 minutes: The note that I perceived as caramel or butterscotch is now the main event, and has become more distinctly honey. Honey and cream, with some slightly-plastic strawberries and coconut in the background.


At 45 minutes: Honey and coconut. The coconut is equal in strength to the honey now.


At 1 hour: Mostly coconut, with honey.


At 2 hours: Suntan lotion. In other words, creamy coconut. Sweetened with a little honey in the background. Significantly lighter now.


At 3 hours: A whisper of coconut-scented plastic.


At 4 hours: Gone for all practical purposes - just the faintest trace of coconut.


At 12 hours: I thought this was gone eight hours ago, but to my astonishment, I still clearly smell coconut. It even still has a bit of throw!


. . . And at 18 hours, I can still smell coconut. And now, the honey again, too. But no throw. I'm going to try not to wash it off, to see just how long it can last!


At 20 hours: The coconut is all gone, and now it's a single note honey. Light, but as clear and realistic as can be.


Verdict: This is way too foody for me to ever wear outside of my home. But I enjoy sniffing it. It is delicious, interesting, and fun. I'll wear it around the house sometimes, just for fun.


Although it is pleasant at all times, it is at its best during the first 30 minutes when all of the notes are present and at their most realistic. Wearing it in a scent locket would allow that phase to last longer.


Predominant notes: Honey (also smells like caramel or butterscotch), coconut


Character: Ultra-foody, unisex, sweet


4 out of 6 stars

Edited by Ghost of a Rose

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In the Bottle:

A floral goaty cream

On the Skin:

The nectar is apparently fairly fruity. Loving the goat's milk note, which is almost buttery and the sweetness from the honey I assume.

On the Drydown:

Liking this more on the drydown as the goat's milk gains a footing to give a savouriness amongst the sweetness of the nectar and honey. The drydown on this is so interesting and really quite nice. I would say this is really foody but its perfumey and almost floral as well. I don't think this will be in regular rotation but it has a warmth that I enjoy

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This turns to so much chewy bread on me.


With Jupiter Nourished first applied, I get bread with fruit, milk, and a little honey.


The bread is ultra-moist and chew-nommy.


The fruit reminds me of generic holiday fruit. It's like when you see cake or bread with some fruit bits throughout, and you don't know which fruit (or fruits) they are. And you don't necessarily ask.


The milk and honey are comparatively mild.


The blend just continues to grow in bread-ness over time on my skin.


I was hoping for more goat's milk and honey; this is too baked-goods foody for me. But I can make a body gloss with lots of goat's milk and honey fragrance, and add this blend to that for some complexity.

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I also got baked-goods foody, with lots and lots of hazelnut, for whatever reason. No honey or milk for me.

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A huge blast of butterscotch while wet, then caramel as it settles, then honey on the drydown. I don't love the milk note, but the yummy sugar notes dominate so that's not really an issue. This is a lovely autumn/winter gourmand scent, sweet and buttery and rich. :yum:

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Creamy goat's milk, honey, and notes of both coconut and hazelnut. This is a warm, milky, blend. Sort of foodie and very comforting. Good throw and wear length.

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One of my favorite OCYL scents is called Pink Ambrosia, and while the description of that is a bit fruitier, it was similar enough to this blend that I got really excited. And this is NICE! Lots of goat’s milk up front, and then the other scents emerge and balance with that gorgeous, creamy base that becomes slightly tropical.


eta: In fact, now that I think of it, this kind of smells like a baby. You know that warm lovely creamy sweet completely indescribable scent of a new baby’s head? Yeah, this is pretty damn close.

Edited by Leopard403

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I was tempted to blind bottle this, but I restrained myself, because I already have My Baby and a Baby Goat, and I wanted to see if these two were different enough from one another to warrant having both.

This starts off... well, I would say unexpectedly fruity, if I hadn't read any reviews before trying this. :P I also get the goat's milk and the gingerbread-y ambrosia, which quickly overtake the fruitiness. The honey is soft and adds a light sweetness to this. There's less of it here than there is in My Baby and a Baby Goat. After a while, the goat milk reigns, backed by a light gingerbread-like note, with a touch of honey and that sweet nuttiness (and possibly toasted coconut?) that some others have mentioned.

I like this, but I do not think that I need a bottle because I already have My Baby and a Baby Goat (and I like that one more, because it is sweeter). Buuuut if you are hoping for a scent like that that's heavy on the goat's milk, definitely give this one a try! :)

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I really like the goat's milk note, and Jupiter Nourished by the Goat Amalthea has a strong goat's milk component on me, earthy, just a little funky.  I would have loved to have gotten the goat's milk, hazelnut and coconut that some reviewers reported, but instead I got a lot of fruit.  (When I was growing up, ambrosia was the term for a dessert with Kool-Whip and canned fruit cocktail, and this was indeed reminiscent of that to me. If you're not familiar with canned fruit cocktail, I think it was pear, peach, grapes and maraschino cherry.)  And later in drydown, after an hour or so, I began to perceive baked goods, which is rarely a good note on me.  So I'm torn -- it's a really good goat's milk, but the other ingredients are less wonderful on me.  Good wear length and a little throw, more than I usually get with my skin chemistry.  

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Wet: When I first sniffed this I got the most beautiful goat milk (creamy with a little earthy) with ambrosia (non-specific fruit, a touch of marshmallow even), and golden honey/nectar (adding a touch of sweetness/juiciness to it, but in an earthy/organic way) - it was heaven!


drydown: this went to straight butter on my skin pretty quickly.  I didn't see that happening to anyone else in the reviews, but after about 30 mins that's all I get! It's a very rich, organic butter with maybe a touch of sweetness, not so much baked goods foodie to me as just raw, fresh butter - i could see that being someone's thing (it's basically what I imagine white larry smelling like based on the notes without having actually sniffed it), but that's not really my thing. Throw and wear length are better than average


takeaway: if the initial stage lasted longer (or if I wanted to smell like butter) this would be an instant bottle/backup bottle purchase. as it is, i'll probably hang on to my imp.

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this one was a gamble, because i wasn't sure how the milk note would work with my skin chemistry, because usually it doesn't. but maaaybe in a small amount (?) right off i get a bread and butter scent...it's very buttery. with maybe a hint of fruitiness. it's VERY foody. i cannot handle this butter-it's like butter with something going a bit rancid.  this is a scrubber for me. ?



Edited by theseagrows

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Wet: Milky gingerbread with a touch of fruit? A little bit of butter as well. There's surprisingly a lot going on here.


Dry: Still pretty mish-mashed to my nose. The gingerbread-esque scent from earlier is gone. It's more of a milky-buttery-kinda-fruity scent now? It's just... not working on me. 

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Goat’s milk in the bottle. Goes on as milk and… something toasty? Porridge? Oatmeal with scalded milk? Ghee? Very similar to Halfling. But once it dries, it morphs completely into the Lab’s gorgeous perfumy honey note which I adore.

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Fruity honeyed goat's milk. Definitely has a foodie/buttery/baked sort of vibe, like shortbread cookies with fruity jam on top. Very warm, sweet, and almost thick.

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I ordered a decant of this to test. 


In the vial, it smells like honeyed bread and goat’s milk. 


The lab’s goat’s milk note usually fades quickly on my skin, so I was expecting a “bread” scent. 


Unfortunately, this smells like burnt coconutty plastic on me. It has a depressingly long wear length and medium throw, and even after I washed it off mid-morning I still caught whiffs of it throughout the day. 


On someone else this would have likely been a lovely scent but it was awful with my skin chemistry and the scent of coconut disgusts me, so it was a loss on my end. 

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I got some delicious honeyed, buttery goat milk and then plastic-y bubblegum?  Chemistry fail! 

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This is what the dessert ambrosia would smell like if you could get a scent from it.  I'm getting peach, cream and something fluffy like marshmallow.  The marshmallow fades, and not sure why I'm getting coconut, but there it is.  This blend starts off good, but ends up being uber sweet and nauseating on me.  It reminds me of that Fair Maiden Side-Eye Dragon Con blend, which I sold pretty much right away.  No fruity sweet scents for me!

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Lots of very rich heavy milk to this blend, definitely butter like. Not as sour or yogurty like the other goat's milk scents I've tried. This is more creamy and mellow but still very rich.


The honey sweetens this blend up considerably. It's resinous, sweet, golden. Very pretty.


Something in this reminds me of bread. Like hot rolls and honey butter. Something yeasty?


There is a hint of a fruit or something I can't entirely place in this. The nectar? Nondescript holiday fruit. Something about it smells autumnal. Maybe cranberry? It's mild. There's also a vague nuttiness, and spices.


Overall I really like this one even though it is a bit rich and heavy.

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I'm getting a ton of goat's milk and honey in this, it's very faint and slightly powdery as well. I want to say there is peach in here (the nectar probably), but it's hard to tell since honey is the more dominant note. It gets sweeter and sweeter the more it dries down, I'm guessing on me it's due to the honey. 


This is a very sweet blend, however I'm not a fan of the lower than usual throw. Could be useful for layering, but on its own I'm not a huge fan. Will keep this decant for the time being!

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