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Sweet brandy, dark rum, heavy cream, sugar, and a dash of nutmeg.


Vintage 2016:


Even though Eggnog is a BPAL Yule staple, this is my first year trying it. Probably because I don't like drinking eggnog? But I hadn't considered that wearing it might be a whole different experience. What I like best is that it's heavy on the brandy and rum, yum. The heavy cream, sugar, and nutmeg do their best to balance out the booze, and they do a nice job of acting as counterweight. It smells like eggnog, and even though I'd never drink it, I'll absolutely wear it.

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2016 version. In the bottle and wet on skin, it's predominantly booze and...this may be just my imagination, but cherry? As it dries the cherry disappears, a milk/cream note emerges, the spices come to the fore and everything balances out to make for a creamy, smooth, gorgeous blend. I love this.

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2016: Smells exactly like eggnog in the bottle; on the skin, it's mostly just creamy and sweet. I definitely get the element of cherry mentioned above. I wish it were stronger. When I wear it for a day, I don't notice it once I leave the house. I wore it to bed last night and could smell it there and again when I showered the next day and a little in my hair, but it otherwise didn't last through the night. It would make a great lotion scent.

Edited by evil_laugher

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Decant from a swap with no year on the label.


More of an egg cream, really. Creamy nog in the bottle and on application. Nutmeg and sugar soon come in, and then there's a light alcohol note — I can't tell if it's brandy or a particularly delicate rum. It's a grace note, which is nice, rather than a big stompy booze.

But as it dries, it develops a fizzy note, like tonic water. The sugary creamy scent returns, and it honestly finishes as a mouthwatering egg cream.

A spectacular technical accomplishment, and it smells wonderful. This is something I would drink in a heartbeat, but I don't think I want to wear it. How ridiculously fickle. :)

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2016: In the bottle, this is deliciously sweet. On me, it initially goes through an unpleasant plastic stage, and this lasts for about 30 minutes. However, I'm so glad I stuck with it, and didn't wash it off, because this eventually becomes a sweet, sugary vanilla and brandy. There isn't a whole lot of throw, but it's stunning and I can see myself wearing it a lot.

Edited by WinterSong

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This is for the 2011 version.


This was more gentle than I was expecting. Booze scents are usually have a lot more throw than this one. It's very sweet and creamy. It reminds me of spending a quiet night in during the winter. It's a very true-to-life scent. I do mostly get the cream, sugar, and nutmeg. I get very little alcohol, which I'm pretty pleased with. All in all, a nice foodie holiday scent.

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2017 edition:

In the bottle: Exactly like spiced eggnog. Spot-on.
Wet: Extremely plasticy on me; the eggnog is there but it's struggling to make it to the surface.
Drydown: The plastic/play-doh vibe is still pretty strong, but I can tell the intended notes are trying to break through. It becomes less synthetic with time. I think I may've overestimated how strong this would be - subtle isn't always my style and this has very little throw. Plenty nice, but took a while to adjust to me, and a bit too subdued for me to wear all that often.

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I bought this for my best friend, who adores eggnog and all of the drinks that are similar - like milk punch tiki drinks and hot toddies. I haven't tried it on my skin, since it is not my thing, but it smells exactly like eggnog with an extra spike of brandy!

Edited by Madame Mew

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2017 edition: In the bottle and wet, it smells exactly like very boozy egg nog. When it dries, it settles into this nice, creamy sweet skin scent and by two hours it, the throw is minimal and I really have to press my wrist to my nose to smell it. I'm at the office, so at least I don't smell like rum, but I do wish this was a little stronger!

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I am not usually a foodie fan, but this one won my heart in the bottle. It really does smell drinkable, and I frick'n LOVE eggnog. Yummy boozey vanilla cream. I don't get much nutmeg, but it's warm and wonderful. I was thinking it would be a fantastic comfort scent, but unfortunately my skin drinks Eggnog as fast as I do. :cry2:

It's nothing but a whisper of spiced vanilla in less than 30 minutes. Now to drown my sorrows in the real stuff. :drunk:


ETA:  I got a hold of Humbug, and have been wearing these two together.  It's a pretty ridiculously awesome blend.  Makes the Eggnog Last, and makes the Humbug boozy and super creamy.

Edited by VetchVesper

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2017 version:

The opening smells of burnt sugar, brandy and rum mix, and cream. After a while it settles down into a bit too generic sugar with a pinch of spice and a whiff of liquor. The overall effect is sweet and smoky. Drydown is fluffy sweet cream, very low in intensity.

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(2018 version.)


I've been avoiding this scent since Yule 2007 due to my hatred of the actual drink. I figured it was time I at least try a decant. ;)



Wet: Sugar and burnt plastic. Off to a great start!


Dry: Plastic, plastic, plastic. With a dash of nutmeg!


(To be fair, a lot of cream/milk scents don't work well on my skin, so YMMV.)

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Wet: Hmm I can't pick it. Interesting. Gingerbread spice-ish and cookie-ish with something underlying. I'm guessing it must be the nutmeg.

On: Ick this is a bit gross and plastic. It doesn't really smell like any of the notes specifically. Perhaps it hasn't aged as well or I don't like the smell of egg nog? I will say I can't quite remember egg nog but in any case this scent is not boding well on me. I'm going to wait for drydown to review this properly...

Oh wait nevermind it's just too much. Washing off it goes...


(A lot of food scents actually work well on me... This one did not :()

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This is a very aged decant, and I'm not sure if it is the aging or what, but it is a very light scent on me that's more about the brandy and rum than any cream or nutmeg. Perhaps the cream was more noticeable when it was fresh? But it doesn't remind me of eggnog at all -- it's just a light boozy scent that teeters on being plastic-y and almost bubblegum-y on me.


This isn't for me, but I'd be curious to try a newer decant to see how it compares.

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2007 version.


This decant is even more aged, but there's more in it, so I think it aged better. The booze is still the star here -- more rum than brandy in this case -- but the cream is more noticeable in this one. Sadly, I still get the bubblegum-like aspect from this version, so I'm thinking I'm just not a fan of the Lab's rendition of eggnog.

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Oh my goodness I’m in love. Vanilla creamy goodness, slight spice, very eggnog.


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2017 version. smells delicious in the bottle. a lot more booze than cream though which i don’t prefer. once it hits my skin, i get booze for a couple minutes and then not even 5 min after, it literally disappears. i get like the lightest egg nog in existence, hanging on by a thread, barely there if at all, and to even smell that i need to take the deepest breath and sniff in. underwhelmed because i love egg nog and the notes are amazing, but oh welllll

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