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marzipan, marzipan MARZIPAN.  and nothing else. not an unpleasant marzipan by any means but not what i was looking for in this. im starting to wonder if my skin amps sweet sugary notes because i have similar problems with my  snake oil imp trying to become marshmallows.

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I was super excited when I put this on.  It smelled like yummy almond and cardamom.  Dry down is not good for me though.  Something about the lotus and Egyptian Musk together I think were problematic for me.  I am interested to see how this ages though as I typically like scents with strong musky or woody notes only after significant aging.  I’m hoping this might be smoother and that the notes will blend together once aged.

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Wet/in the bottle: Seconded to the marzipan! Straightforward cherries and almonds.


After a few minutes of wear: If there was a temple to summer, this is what it would smell like: sunscreen on hot skin, cherry ices, sunshine, and a wisp of incense. 


After hours of wear: This eventually wears down to a warm lotusy floral scent that lasts for a looong time (I put it on in the morning and it was there when I went to bed). Nighttime at the temple, and all the incense has sunk into the stone, but the flowers are still doing their thing. 


I love it so much, and what a beautiful way to represent Bastet: it's such a warm, happy, complex scent. I got an imp to test it and just ordered a full bottle! I knew the goddess of cats wouldn't let me down 😊

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Bastet is so wonderful. In the imp, it smells.. not great to me, it's all screeching almond and bubblegummy lotus, so I didn't try it for a couple of weeks when I first received an imp of this. But boy, am I glad I did, and I now own a bottle of it. There is something about this scent that reminds me about my childhood, and I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but it makes me love it even more. Perhaps some dessert I used to eat as a child? But Bastet is not foodie, although she hovers on the very edge of that line, she doesn't cross it (which is a win in my book).


On my skin, it smells exactly like it does in the imp, but thankfully only for the first five minutes! Then it transforms into this gorgeously sweet, creamy, and ever so slightly spicy scent (the cardamom note is soft, but it's here, and it's so lovely!) that is one of the most joyful and comforting scents I have ever smelled. It's like getting a hug from the goddess herself. 💛

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I ordered a fresh imp of this from the lab.  In the vial it smells a lot like Black Lotus, which makes sense since they share a few notes.  I'm a huge fan of the scent of lotus.


After putting two swipes of this on my wrist, I can tell that this is less "bubblegum-y" than Black Lotus.  Like Black Lotus, but more complicated and mature.  The lotus flower hangs in the background and I believe that the amber and musk are in the front.  It's a warm, slightly sweet scent.  After a few hours, only lotus remains.  The lotus lingers for a VERY long time.


Very nice.

Edited by Laughing Seagull

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A few-week old imp from the lab:


Lotus tea paired with a delicate almond pastry. Not overly foodie or sweet.

After a few hours, I've finished the almond pastry and am left savoring the fragrant lotus tea with lingering sweetness from the pastry.

It's definitely yum, but less in the I want to jump you or nibble you sense and more in the I want to curl up next to you and maybe lick a small stripe of your neck sense.


So, so beautiful and comforting.

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In the Imp: Sweet, fresh linen-like


On the Skin: I'm not familiar with any of the notes unfortunately, so I can't pinpoint any. But this smells beautiful, warm, & golden. Vanilla-like sweetness on me even though there's no vanilla, maybe it's the almond & amber? It reminds me of the smell of an hebrario/curandera shop I've been to. I imagine golden statues and red velvet altar cloths I had seen there. I love this & would definitely get a full bottle. ❤ Over time, a note which I think is Egyptian musk is becoming stronger. This is my favorite musk note I've ever smelled. 💕 

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I put this on when I want to feel absolutely divine.

it was the first BPAL perfume I smelled, around a year ago. I think because of that, it now has this extra kick of magnificence to it. like, I get the rush of the transformative first whiff every time I open the bottle. 

now since I'm new to (yet very passionate about) this, I'm not too skilled at picking out notes yet. but I'll try my best to paint a picture.



cloying, but engulfed in a rich honeyed hug of amber that dampens and enhances the intensity of the sweetness. the almond note is center stage, seen by all eyes, maybe singing a little song, but not distracting from it's fellow cast members. the spiced edge is enough to push this in a sweets direction if I close my eyes, as if I'm sitting in a beautiful, powerful, woman's kitchen, orange tinged lightbulbs ablaze, awaiting a pastry so tenderly crafted by her wise hands. 



(approx 30 min after initial application)

dried down it feels dusty. but, in the way that dust looks floating through a ray of sunset in a palace. I imagine there to be shimmering golden waterfalls, copper book-ridden shelves as tall as the pillars beside them, and the light of a thousand candles illuminating copper statues, with wafts of incense smoke hovering in the dark air, seemingly frozen still.

still with the comfort of the kitchen, and always drowned in honey




DIVINE is the best word for bastet, powerful divine feminine energy without a doubt. beauty and intimidation, and almost threat


put this on when you want to feel absolutely divine.



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I absolutely love Bastet.


Like others have said, I do get a strong cherry scent on initial application. It transforms into a luxurious and warm almond amber scent on me and lasts quite a while.


This scent is warm, glowing, seductive, and extremely feminine to me. It feels very powerful, so I don't wear it every day.

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I had a really old frimp i got off this forum, which i loved - it was warm and regal with the amber, and with a hint of heat from the almond, rounded out by the lotus.


So i invested in a full bottle - and it's straight up pink bubblegum on me! :( i don't really recognize any almond, not like in Hecate or Uruk, on me it's all fluffy pink musk. 

I can imagine a girl wearing an expensive faux pink fur jacket wearing this. Very cute, very fluff. But for me.. nah I think I'm going to store it away for a year at least

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This is very wearable on me. It's very well-balanced, too. I don't outright get a lot of lotus or almond, but I think I can smell them in the background adding sweetness. The myrrh is playing nice, it's not screechy like it can be on me sometimes. I am getting a lot of the dusty amber, but it works well with the sweeter notes. I don't think I get much of the saffron. Overall, it's a sweet, powdery musk with just enough incense to keep Bastet from being cloying.

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This is one of my all time favorite scents. In the bottle, it's rich and almost boozy. On my skin, it smells incredible. It's rich, creamy, and spicy, but with a soft amber sweetness. The musk and amber are at the forefront, but ends in spicy, resin-y goodness. The spiciness of the saffron cardamom blend together beautifully with the amber. It's complex and elegant. As it dries down, there's a tad powderiness to it, which somehow just works to bring everything together without being too much. It projects the perfect amount for me to be able to smell it (without mindfully sniffing for it) without it being overpowering and lasts a decent amount on my skin. 

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First Sniff: Red musk, maybe with a hint of cherries. It reminds me of Hecate. 

Initial Wet Application: Reading the description, it’s the almond I’m smelling. It’s nice. 

Dry Down (first 15 minutes): This is soft and inviting. I think the cardamom is making me think “kitchen-esque spice” as it smells warm and welcoming. 

My Reaction: After this completed the dry down, it was really faint, which surprises me as myrrh and amber usually amp on me and stick around. I’m going to have to re-apply this to get it to stick around and be stronger, but overall, I liked it. Warm and comforting with gentle myrrh. 

Rating: 3

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This is Fenris Wolf's sultry, gorgeous, silent-unless-she-likes-you girlfriend. God do I love it. The amber is so nice, subtle but there, and the myrhh lends it such a warm comforting quality. A LOT of people are getting floral and almond with this one but to me it really smells like myrrh and vanilla, with whisps of amber poking its head through the chiffon curtains. It sort of wafts to me as I move my hand, a real "come hither" scent. I'll put this one on around the boy and see just HOW come-hither-y it can get. 

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i got this as a frimp and holy crap is it really nice.


this one's quite a changer. when wet, it smells really, really fruity and sweet. when i first got it before it settled, it smelled like juicy cherries. now after chilling for ~2 weeks, it's still fruity but not as much so. the almond that previously came through as cherry is now coming through as itself. as it dries, the musk comes through more and more.


an hourish later, it smells very musky and warm, but not spicy. all the scents melded together into a really nice and flattering smell. it's great

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Hadn't worn this one in a long time.The initial scent for me when I sniff the imp is very much that cherry-like almond scent. On me, as it dries, it turns oddly...peachy? I almost thought I'd accidentally picked up my imp of Tamora! It's weird, I don't get any of the cardamom or myrrh. Saffron is a distant whisper. It's just really very fruity. Pleasant, but perplexing!

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Big blast of amber-myrrh-saffron goodness at the start, but it quickly becomes a fairly simple almond-lotus scent. I think the musk is in there somewhere keeping it from completely flying away, but the overall impression is one of expensive almond soap. Not soapy, mind you, but that very clean spa-type kind of scent. The musk and a bit of the amber come out slightly on the drydown.

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I'm sure I've tried this sometime in my BPAL journey, but I'm not up to shifting through 19 pages of reviews to see if I wrote about it. A very soft, light, musky amber scent. Very pretty, but not one I'm keeping at this point.

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I have three imps of Bastet: newish from BPAL (with the new sticker that doesn't go all the way around), and 2 frimped through the forum (thank you to doomsday_disco and fiam). The oil color varies considerably -- the newest is a pale gold color, and the other two are 1) light orange, and 2) deep, red orange. (Here's a side-by-side comparison pic of the new one from BPAL and the darkest red-orange.)


I skin tested (on my index and middle fingers) the dark red orange with the light gold to check for differences. 


1) Light gold: amber, coconut, milk, and cardamom. Neither coconut nor milk are listed notes so that's pretty interesting. Milk doesn't smell good on me, heads toward baby formula, but the coconut, amber and cardamom are doing their best to stop it. Can still smell it faintly half an hour later. Considering the tiny amount of oil used on a tiny spot and my skin's tendency to swallow all scent, that's impressive. This would smell fantastic on someone whose skin doesn't curdle milk!


2) Red-orange: amber, almond/cherry, and... hello, is that you, jasmine? Almond/cherry is the dominant note when it first goes on, then the floral comes out to play and they have a little party. Faded after 15 minutes (again, used a tiny amount on a tiny spot). Reminds me of the cherry almond lotion my guy uses, which he uses because his mother has used it for years and he finds the scent comforting. I do not. If you don't have that scent association, you'll probably find Bastet amazing.


I'm really glad I got to try them in imps before full-sizing. Because my Bastet hair gloss experience has been completely different, and I almost full-sized based on that. Bastet HG is divine. No coconut or milk or jasmine. Instead, I get amber, almond blossom, a teensy hint of sweet cherry, and a peaceful spice (maybe cardamom? I dunno, but it makes me sigh with contentment).

Edited by quantquill
fix typo

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