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Each order placed on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Filler Whatever Sunday, or Cyber Monday will receive two 1/32 oz. imps of INCOLUMITAS, one to keep and one to share. 


It’s been a very challenging year for so many, and this little imp is our gesture of bottled kindness. INCOLUMITAS is a scent of safety and security, of peace of mind and freedom from harm: warm honeyed patchouli, bourbon vanilla, sweet sage, and lavender.


In The Imp: A good, pure lavender. This isn't a sugared or cologne-y lavender, this is more like clean essential oil lavender.

Wet On Skin: The vanilla comes into play, sweetening the lavender quite a bit, and it goes from being that almost-medicinal to a little more of the sugary lavender encountered in True Love or Day Break- two lavender scents I adore, so I'm happy with the direction this is taking!

Dry Down: The scent stays mostly true from wet to dry down, with the exception that I'm getting the *slightest* edge of sage in the mix now, giving this scent something that feels bittersweet, somehow, like cherishing joy in the midst of acknowledging the hard time all around us.

Which seems perfectly apt for what this scent is all about ❤️ 

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This smells like the pure lavender and clean, fresh white sage essential oils from my favorite soap made this year, but additionally sweetened with sugary, honey-warm vanilla. 


After Incolumitas dries, a mild patchouli comes in as a soft base and support, merely joining the above notes, not calling attention to itself.


This blend is sweetly lovable. 


I was concerned with this one that once I tested it, I'd be sad not to be able to get bottle(s). Several of my favorite notes are in its list. That's come true, but I'll much enjoy the sample.

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If this was offered in bottle sizes I'd get one so fast. I've said before I don't care for lavender. As a cologne it can go murky and weird but this is nice. A "pure" lavender as someone else said.


It's a blast of pure sage and lavender at first, followed by something sweet and deep, neither too herbal nor too dirty and more than one-note sweetness. This amps on me but I don't mind.

Maybe like TKO (I don't know I haven't tried TKO, but deeper with extra oomph.

Edited by patina

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This is fresh off the truck because I couldn't wait to try my Yules and frimps.


If the Lab's lavender is too herbal, if you think that the addition of sweet sage will make it too green, but you otherwise want to track down an imp and try it, I think you should. After a couple of minutes, the bright lavender and sage settle down into a softer blend. The warm honeyed patchouli and bourbon vanilla sweeten this up and ground it, but the lavender and sage keep it from being cloying. No one note overpowers the others. I can see this being a relaxing evening scent or a calming daytime scent for those who can wear fragrance at work. Incolumitas is a warmer, softer sibling to TKO, and it's Banshee Beat's first cousin once removed.


Two imps don't seem like they're going to be enough.

Edited by boomtownrat
additional scent comparison

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I'm a patchouli fan, so I remembered that was an element. I forgot about the honey and lavender. Omg, this combination! I dabbed a little on my wrist and the overwhelming feeling was of just stepping out of a long, hot bath - relaxed and slightly sleepy, utterly devoid of worry, warmed through and through, a soft lingering scent of the sweet bubble bath I used during a very happy/hopeful time in my life 25 years ago (must be the honey & vanilla?) . I swear I could smell warm, damp skin. As I was reeling with delight, I thought "If this was shot up into the atmosphere, we could achieve world peace." I would buy this in a 5ml, bath oil, atmo spray, bubble bath, soap ... I can still smell it 12 hours later. I'm going to dab some on again before bed and see if it helps with my insomnia. 

Edited by kscha2017

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Soft lavender with whiffs of sage and patchouli. It's a very nice lavender, tending toward herbiness with the patchouli bringing some earthiness to it. I get almost no wear length on this scent on my skin though.

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Incolumitas really is a comforting scent. Lavender, sage, patchouli, vanilla, and a smidge of honey are all present and detectible. Wet, the lavender wins and the other notes fall within its herbal hug. But as it dries down, the patchouli, vanilla, and sage claim snuggly prominence in this blend. The result is something herbal, gourmand, and musky-earthy-grounding. It does make me feel safe! It also makes me feel like I might be able to rest. I would totally buy a bottle of this if it were available! The smell of cozy, comfy, sleepy-beepy love. :heart:

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2 imps aren’t enough.  This is now my favorite after shower scent in the evening, as it is such a relaxing, therapeutic scent.  Being married to an executive chef has perks, one of them being gourmand yummies.  The wet scent of this on skin reminds me so strongly of pound cake with a side of rich handmade lavender vanilla ice cream that I could just drool. I’m left dreaming of pound cakes past. Literally.  


As it sits and dries, I do detect some nice savory notes which only make the perfume even more rich.  


Please consider a future batch of bottles, even if only for a limited run!  This is amazing.

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I did what the Lab said and gave my second imp away to a friend that couldn't justify putting in an order on Black Friday. I did that before testing it, even though I knew I would probably love it because I'm a lavender fiend. ETERNAL REGRET! :lol:

Yeah, I love it and wish I had more.

This is strong on the lavender, which reminds me of the lavender in Lilith's HG. It's backed by the sage at first, but the sage and red patchouli gain prominence over time, and those end up being the stars of the show on me after a few hours, with a lighter lavender note behind them, and a soft sweetness from the vanilla.

I would love it if this became available as a 5ml to purchase in the future. I need more of it in my life!

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Incolumitas is absolutely lovely.  It's that sweet lavender note that shows up in many Liliths, amplified with sweet bourbon vanilla, with a grounding of gentle sage and patchouli.  The lavender lasts about 90 minutes on me, which is pretty good for my lavender-eating skin, and the vanilla is still hanging on after three hours, everything else having become pretty quiet by that point.  I think this would be a magical bedtime scent. 

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This is the only reason I placed another order this year, because it sounded truly delightful - usually I limit my purchases to one massive one per year, due mainly to the $45 in shipping costs (hashtag thanks Australia).


Imp: lavender cream with tiny bursts of sage and honey


Wet: a calming scent for a stressful day; I wore this while working on code for our upcoming sale, which is a job I simultaneously love and hate. (Love because CSV's are so satisfying to finish, and hate because coding anything in our back end takes four times as long as it should and no one can tell me why). At first it is pure lavender, with wee drifts of honey creeping in gently, in a way that reminds me of the errant scent of fig trees during summer in Greece, wandering here and there on the meltemi. Not as sharp as TKO (which, honestly, is like a lavender-gloved punch in the face, and I love it)


Dry: staggeringly beautiful - a soft, gentle lavender which stays this side of powdery at all times, tempered by sweet herbs.


Long-ish lived, giving me eight hours of pure bliss, with a medium-tending-light throw.


Stars: ★★★★★, would purchase this in a heartbeat if bottles were ever released

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This is completely amazing. I adore it. The lavender and sage give it lovely herbal notes and the patchouli isn't overwhelming, but still there in the background. It's long wearing, I could still smell it on my skin after 10 hours of wear, but not overpowering. The throw is low, which is my personal preference. Add me to the list of those who would love a bottle of this. I'm going to treasure these imps.

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Not much to add to all the amazing reviews, but I would like all the buckets of this please!


I enjoyed last year's black Friday decants (stillness and silence), but was happy with just the decants. But not this year, incolumitas is basically everything - it's the most perfect lavender, with the softest touch of sweet sage, warmed by vanilla and the faintest whiff of earthy patchouli to keep it all in check. I would say it's in the same family as daybreak (probably my all time fave lavender if someone forced me to choose), but just a touch less sweet and more grounded - I don't want to say more perfect because I can't get my hands on more :cry2:

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This is perfect,.


I'm not a big fan of the individual components, but together they are exquisite.


I smell the vanilla, lavender, and sage and they are all very cuddly and airy, like fresh linens and fluffy towels. Not bitter, not astringent, not medicinal, not sweet. Just soft and lovely.


I don't detect the patchouli or honey, and I suspect that it offers a gentle warming and grounding note.


I really hope something very similar to this pops up in GC someday, because it is simply beautiful.

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I missed out on a Lab order during Black Friday, so I’m super blessed to have acquired an imp of Incolumitas in a swap. 

The hype is right. This is a gorgeous blend! Mostly thick sweet bourbon vanilla and lavender, I also get hints of the honey and sage. The herbal combo makes an almost a minty sensation. Not much patchouli, a favorite not of mine, but maybe it’s grounding the other notes. 


I put Incolumitas on today on a whim, not expecting to be so in love. I’m in such a good mood suddenly :D 


Needless to say, if this was available for sale, the lab would be hard pressed to keep it in stock! Haha 


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So I followed instructions and promptly gave my second one to a friend and boy do I regret it, this became my bedtime scent and one imp went so fast.


I cannot agree more with kscha2017 , this totally reminds me of the smell of taking a bath, between the lavender epsom salt and the vanilla candle I burn it is a dead ringer.

Such a beautiful blend that is very comforting to the soul, I am desperately hoping this gets released in some capacity one day.  :violin:

Edited by FloridaFledgling

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Beautiful and comforting. This oil is very lavender-focused on me, with the other notes lending a helping hand. The patchouli grounds, the sage gives a little herbiness, and the vanilla sweetens. It brings back a vivid memory of eating a lavender macaron with vanilla ganache filling.

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I really, really wish this was available in a 5 ml and/or atmosphere spray. I love it so much, and think of it as my bedtime Banshee Beat. Take BB's vanilla patch (turned down from an 11 to a 4), add a strong spa-like lavender and a smattering of sage, and you've got Incolumitas. Gorgeous, relaxing, hoard-worthy.

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I wear this scent to meditate now and it’s definitely relaxing. It’s also very refreshing, I get a lot of sage but not a heavy patchouli. In the wet stage and early drydown, there’s a lavender lurking in the depths of this scent, but eventually it takes the reins and graces us with its pillowy, calming presence. I’d honestly wager that the lavender in this is a white lavender. At the very least, it’s rather pale. This scent is definitely delicious and relaxing, almost ephemeral, despite its strength. I wear this to bed and smell it 8-10 hours later! I’m blessed to have the imps I do, and will be hoarding attentively. 


(Sidenote, my cat absolutely adores this scent. If I put it on and she’s near, she follows me and rubs herself all over me and tries to balance on my shoulders and rubs her extremely silky fur all over me, nuzzling and purring all the while.) 


Wear time: 7-10 hours. 

Sillage: Pretty strong! 

Edited by Vaudenilla

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2024 version:


This smells (to me, anyway) *ALOT* like Mugler's original ANGEL with some herbiness on the fringes...Luckily, I am a fan of ANGEL, so this is a great FRIMP :D

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In the imp: Sweet lavender, and lots of it! And maybe some patch or lavender to provide ballast? A sweet, well-rounded lavender, anyway - kinda reminds me of the Liliths, or certain Lupercalias.


Wet: Ahhhh, this is exactly what I was hoping for when I read the description! Sage is one of my all-time favorite notes, and this is a wonderful example - soft green, herbal, and alive. It's rounded out by rich, complex bourbon vanilla, and still a hint of sweet lavender. The patchouli also comes out to play after a few minutes, especially further from the skin.


Dry: After a brief but worrying soapy phase, it settles into a glorious honeyed patch and bourbon vanilla, lovely and warm, rounded out with notable sage and less-notable but still present lavender.

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I am just thrilled that this came back in 2024. I hoarded imps in 2018, this is such a wonderful, cozy lavender, one of my all favorite lavender blends. Starts out herbal & dry but warms into a soft, sweet lavender.


Got my 2 again in 2024 and wasn't 100% confident I would be giving away my second (wrong of me, I know, but as I said, I hoard)... attended a dear friend's service for her mom who just passed and knew exactly what to do with the second. Thanks again, Lab, for being so thoughtful & generous with us and, in turn, our friends & family.

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I'm a little disappointed. I just get straight lavender and no patchouli or vanilla or sage. Maybe something's wrong with my skin?

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The strongest note on my skin is a gentle, clean lavender. After a few minutes I also get very soft patchouli, vanilla and sage. It’s so gentle, relaxing and comforting. I’d definitely snag a bottle if it became available!

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This is my favorite genre of perfume; a kinda-sweet, herbal spa scent that upon first sniff makes you instantly unclench. I adore the super fresh, almost minty lavender that is the dominating note when wet. There's a clean, light green sage and a general warm sweetness coming through at this stage. It wears for several hours with the lavender disappearing first, of course. I can totally see the Mugler Angel comparison, especially after it dries down, must be the patchouli. I would definitely buy a bottle of this if it ever became available, but an atmosphere spray or a massage oil would be even better. Pretty please with lavender sugar on top?

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