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Stoned Griffin Alchemy Lab

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If we’d known sixteen years ago which direction the legislative wind would end up blowing, things might have gone very differently for BPAL. Stoned Griffin is like a distant cousin of Black Phoenix who never quit his college band, and tells you the same three stories at every Lunacy event (but they’re really good ones).


Kush, fiery red patchouli, myrrh, and sweet black musk.


Myrrh, musk, and a whiff of patchouli. This one is an earthy musky resin. Low throw on me but great wear length.

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Oh man, this smells like college.  Wet, the cannabis is the strongest note on me by far, with some hippie patchouli which as usual is trying and failing to cover up the smell of weed.  Damn, I could huff this one all day.  It gives me the emotional rush of that period of my life without inhaling.  This is NOT work appropriate.  Not even in Washington state.  I may need a bottle. 


Eventually, the kush settles down and I don't smell like a pothead's dorm room anymore.  (Though I wonder if my nose is just habituating to it and others would still pick up on the Mary Jane.) Then the myrrh and gorgeous black musk start to take center stage.  This is good.  I definitely need more than the few drops in the empty bottle I won on FB.  


ETA This lasted a long time on me, and the late drydown was almost syrupy, dark and delicious.  I would never have tried this without the generosity of a PIF-ing forumite -- I'm so grateful!

Edited by Lucchesa

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Ive been reading sooo many reviews lately, I thought it was time that I gave it a shot  ?? Since SGAL only has a couple of reviews it seems like the perfect place to start.


Woof! Wet it’s like ripping open a sticky juicy bud and having a deep whiff ? amazing that the lab has captured that scent... legally ?


once things mellow down a bit it’s rounded out with with the earthy touch of patchouli, myrrh and musk. The patch definitely doesn’t overpower - always letting that sweet maryjane waft around, kind of like the smell of that certain someone’s wallet, it’s close and suspicious, but once warmed up the resins start to seep. It’s also perfectly blended with the myrrh which gives it more depth and this definitely comes out the more it dries down and perfectly compliments. The musk is definitely black - no soft ethereal musk lollies but deep and shadowy. 


every now and again I get a fresh waft of the straight kush, and it does make me wonder what would happen should I be wearing this and pulled over by the cops. “It’s my perfume oil officer I swear!’ ?


very much enjoying this one. I don’t smoke anymore but have always enjoyed the smell of the plant and now appreciate it more for it’s medicinal properties.  It kind of feels like I should be getting a little spaced by sniffing at it so much ? also very much loving the deep and murky tone. Mysterious and it’s definitely going to get people asking ‘what is that smell?!’ 


Added: the more it dries the more the dark musk sweetens things up - always staying balanced by the myyrh. And still the wafting every now again of someone opening up that wallet ?

Edited by Lilah Ladybug
Typos ?

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Think Streets of Detroit with a stunning herbaceous green smell instead of the motor oil and you've got it. 


The weed note is present -- and accurate -- but not overwhelming (in fact I don't think I'd know immediately that's what it was, it just kind of reads "dark green dried plant"). It fades quickly and leaves behind a dark myrrh/musk-forward combo that is simply the perfect headshop hippie smell. Grateful Dead-following, dreamy, clean and sweet peaceful hippie. Not too strong, just the right amount of resins and incense and warm powdery hemp. The patch doesn't make a huge showing here, but I tend to amp myrrh and musk quite a lot so that is what I"m mostly getting.


I love this and will definitely be seeking out a bottle.


*edit* -- This layers gorgeously with Rev.enant R.hythm. Fuzzy wuzzy hippie dreamland. (~˘▾˘)~

Edited by supreme_c0rt

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Weeeeeeed.   And incense.  I swear I get dragon's blood.  The myrrh is rich, dark, and thick, and after the weed burns off, about half an hour in, I'm left with a sweet, sludgey incense vibe that I adore.  To me, this is not nearly as hippie as SN Blacklight Reactive Poster (which I also have and adore) but has more of an old world vibe once it's dried down.  Something about this incense works with crumbling gargoyles and vaulted cathedral ceilings, at least in my brain.  Very happy to have found a bottle.


I also have to say, I'm always amused by how some folks seem nose blind to the weed smell, and some just get whacked right in the face with it.  The Stoned Griffin is a most mysterious creature!  ;) 

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Patchouli and weed! This is like the ultimate hippie stoner blend. Sweet head shop patchouli incense and dank, strong weed.  Unfortunately I could not wear this at my job so I gotta put it in the swap pile.

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