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The smoke of Sacred Incense of Apollo twined through laurel branches, bay, and honey wine.

Oh wow, I really wanted to love this. I wanted to love it so badly. Honey wine! Laurel! Bay!

... pot pourri.

It smells of pot pourri on me. It starts out in the imp smelling of honey with heaps of character, or of boozy raspberries (bizarrely enough); on wet, it starts at as smoky, boozy raspberries and then turns into honey wine.

And then it turns into pot pourri.

Like, "I can smell the dried rose petals" pot pourri.

This is really disconcerting, because actual rose notes normally go vile on me. So, er, there's a thing? One to retry, I think, and see if it pulls the same trick!

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This is my first review.


Imp: Sour candy


Wet: The first note that hit me smelled like an acidic fruit (cranberry?), sweet with a touch of a bitter twang followed by faint wisps of incense.


Drydown: The fruity twang is still present and the bay has emerged, the incense is still there but subtle, and something that smells distinctly like a warm rose takes the forefront. Typically, I dislike rose, but this smells kinda nice.

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In the imp: honey wine and something dark and woody - I'm guessing the laurel branches


Wet on skin: mostly honey and incense. Not bad, but there's something a bit unsettling about this mix of scents right now.


Dried down: it took awhile for this one to soak into my skin, but I'm glad I waited. This smells beautiful now, with the honey wine being tempered by an herbal green scent. I'm really not getting incense out of this anymore, which I think is a good thing - it really wasn't working with the honey wine on me.


Throw: now that it's dried down, it has a decent throw - herbal touched with te sweetness of the honey wine. Sniffing my wrists brings a stronger concentration of the honey wine.


Verdict: *** 1/* I do like this now! but I think I need to do another test before deciding whether to keep the imp or not. That wet stage was really unsettling, and out of the imp, I wasn't sure I was going to like it. If it results in this beautiful dry down again, I'll probably keep it, and maybe spring for a bottle in the future. But it depends on how much I'm willing to sit through the wet stage.

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In the imp: Laurel, certainly, the mead, and a touch of bay and incense and smoke.


Wet: The bay is stronger, but not too much so.


The dry-down: This is nice, all the notes blending together, but sadly, something is tickling the back of my throat and making me sneeze--suspect it may be the bay or the incense or both together. Washing off in a minute. :(

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In the vial: Smokey honey and red wine. With a sharp kick of bay. Not bad.


On the skin: Yeah, the bay is really amp'd. The wine note is much like the wine note in Lilith, which I love. On the dry down the smoke returns and mostly all I get is incense, wine, and smoke. If only it had stayed that way. Eventually it turned into the scent of 'generic hand lotion'. Oh well, I'll keep the imp around since it's discontinued.

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Delphi Imp


Wet/Bottle - Oh, no no no. Something about this is just so...foul. Most likely the honey wine. To be honest, I've sniffed this imp multiple times to test, and put it back down every time, I could not convince myself to put it on. Well, here goes nothing...


Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - NOPE. NO. DONE. Washing this off IMMEDIATELY! This sour, foulness is actually giving me a headache.


Washed Off/Skin - LORD HELP ME IT WON'T COME OFF I may have to amputate this arm.


I've had this in my collection for about a month, and received it from the Lab in an Imp Grab Bag off of their Etsy. This is the first oil I've ever had to physically remove from my body. I'm not ready to say that honey wine is one of my death notes, but it DEFINITELY does not agree with me.

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I got this in an Ebay imp lot that I purchased so I could test out a bunch of BPAL scents that I might not select on my own. I really like honey scents, but they can very quickly go to this weird stale sweetness on me like really, old vintage candy. At first when wet, the honey wine is prominent while the incense takes a back note, which is great because my skin doesn't usually like incense - it even ends up being an incense I could like, but then...the drier it gets, the staler it gets on me. Into the swap box.

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Wet: The honey wine is really strong, and more wine than honey. It's better on me than most of the Lab's wine notes though, which my skin generally doesn't like.


Dry: This doesn't really work with my chemistry. The wine is sweet and sour at the same time, drowning everything else out. I will keep the imp because I'm collecting all the Wanderlust scents, but not sure I'll wear it much.

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Honey and smoky laurel/wood in the bottle. Goes on as bay and smoke. For a minute or two this is surprisingly not bad! It's woody and sweetly smoky and not... oh, and there's the incense, turning sickly sweet. Yecch. Scrubber.

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Imp: bay and honey
Wet on Me: mostly honey now
Drying Down: honey. this smells like one of those sweet soaps you find in the hankerchief drawer in the attic of your great auntie's house.
Dry: nice....sweet but not my bag of tea.

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I didn't realize that this was discontinued when I put it on this morning. Fortunately, while it's nice on me, I haven't fallen madly in love with it. I think there must be a lot of myrrh in the incense, which can be an iffy note on me but pairs beautifully with the honey and wine and laurel. I will wear this when I teach ancient Greek art.


It actually smells quite a bit like Blood on me, so if you love this and can't get more easily, I suggest trying Blood, even though they don't share listed notes.

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In the imp: Smoky honey wine.


Wet: It's even smokier on my skin. I'm getting the smoky incense intertwining with the honey wine. After a few minutes, the bay and laurel emerge, but remain in the background.


Dry: The smoky incense is even stronger than before, but so is the honeyed wine. I'm also getting more of the laurel and bay than I did during the wet stage. The honeyed aspect of the wine is not as strong during this phase of the scent, so it's far more bitter now.


Verdict: Smoky wine is not my jam, but I'm glad I got a chance to try this.

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Wet: The only thing that's popping out is the honey wine. It's got a nice sweetness to it. I like it!


Dry: Smokey honey wine and... baby powder. :|


Dag nabbit. I enjoyed the wet stage, but the dry down killed it for me. I feel like with the right skin chemistry, this could probably smell amazing. (If that's you, I'm jealous.)

Edited by donkehpoo

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In the imp: Heady honey wine with just a whiff of incense smoke. 


On my skin:


Wet, it's all sweet, heady honey wine. As it dries, it becomes more wine than honey, and the whiff of incense smoke reemerges. The laurel as a grounding note also becomes detectable. After about half an hour of warming and developing on my skin, the laurel recedes a bit, and the incense smoke becomes more noticeable. I still get the honey wine as the main scent, but the incense smoke is now more than a whiff. 


The notes I get from the incense and the laurel are delightful. Ultimately, however, while there's nothing wrong with this wine note, I find that I simply do not want to smell this much like wine. 

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In the imp and wet on skin: something sour.


After a couple of minutes: still a little sour. I think I smell the laurel and/or bay leaves. Unfortunately no incense, but I do get a fair hint of baby powder which is slowly becoming stronger. Very unexpected. 


After a couple of hours: still slightly sour but little bit of sweetness has come to the forefront. Strength has weakened a lot, but it still detectable.


Overall it is an interesting scent and I don't think I have ever worn anything like this. Maybe I like the description and suggested vision more than the actual scent. Wearable however, so a 3 our of 5.

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Very herbal! I am definitely getting the bay leaf, and a hint of something cinnamon-y and maybe even some carnation? Wishing for more smoke but it never appears. This is outside of my typical scent interests but I am glad I tried it as I don't hate it. 

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