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Lavender, Sea Salt & Rain

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Salty lavender that sort of has a 20minute stage as a bit of a lavender dryer sheet, but ends up as a very herbal lavender blend. If you're looking for a sweet cuddly lavender, this is not it. This is bracing, herbal, clean lavender. Good throw and wear length.

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Lavender Epsom salts.


This is lavender Epsom salts for the bath that soothes toes exhausted from wearing high heels all day. This is a completely salt-encrusted sharp lavender.


If I hunt around, I do find rain. It's kind of a cool, dank rain to me, which is not bad. I read it as rather chemical, though.


Later on, this turns to salty lavender dryer sheet on my skin.

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Just like it says: lavender, sea salt, and rain. Image of standing on the shore as wind blows salt spray in my face, a gentle mist of rain falls, and I'm holding a large bunch of fresh-cut lavender. A hint of melancholy, echoes of lost love or tragedy. Reminds me also of BPTP Sleet Hair Gloss, there's slushy, winter on the verge of spring coolness about it. Love it enough to order another bottle.

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This is like a triple scoop of some of my favorite smells! First hit is the lavender, followed by the rain, and then the sea salt. A blind bottle purchase because it had all my favorite things, and I was right to do so. When it first arrived, the lavendar was super strong, but once it settled down, I could detect the others though it is definitely lavendar dominant. I keep sniffing myself. Definitely a clean scent - I kept thinking I smelled fresh from the shower or bath.

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Or at least, I felt like I was throughout the first few hours of wear.


In the bottle, I get lavender with a touch of salt.


On my skin, it is a SALT PARTY. So. Much. SALT. The lavender is behind it, but it is nowhere near as strong as the intense salt. The salt note wasn't nearly this strong in the bottle, so I think my skin chemistry is to blame here. It took 3 hours for the rain note to emerge. It is lovely: the same raindrop note found in Waiting, only here, there's a ton of salt instead of the Lab's lovely asphalt note.


Verdict: I am not sure how I feel about this. I like the scent in the bottle, and I like the salty lavender rain scent after it has been on the skin for a few hours. But I do not like the intensity of the salt before it got to the point where the rain note appeared. I'll probably retest this in a few weeks to see if it has changed any, but at the moment, I do not love it like I love Waiting, and I could not see myself using this as a sleep scent, since it is so salty on me.

Edited by doomsday_disco

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This one's a morpher for sure. In the decant, I get herbaceous lavender and a big wallop of corn-chip salt. Once it's on, the salt mellows and gets less corn-chippy, blending well with the lavender. The rain note is barely there at this stage, but it slowly amps up over the first hour or so of wear. At a certain point, it almost overtakes the salt. I do really like the end result -- a cool, atmospheric lavender/rain combo with a hint of salt. Unfortunately, my skin seems to eat it up -- it's mostly faded after two hours. Not totally sure if I'd spring for a full bottle, but will definitely keep using my decant.

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Huh, I am usually a sweet-lavender-is-best kind of person, so I didn't expect to like this much after seeing the reviews. I do like it, though! It's clean without smelling like soap and the lavender is softer than I expected. It's slightly salty, and the rain note reminds me a little of the almost-grapefruit type note in Lightning. But it does also read as rain-like, somehow.

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Aquatics tend to go straight up laundry detergent on my skin, but about a year ago someone frimped me a tester of Aegir (lavender, salt water, guiac wood, and cedar) and it was magnificent on me, and since then I've been realizing how much I love the salt note, so I was hoping this would be similar to Aegir.  Nope.  I got only a little salt at the beginning, and a whole lot of upscale lavender laundry detergent.  Sigh. 

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Wet: My immediate thought is Angels on Bare Skin by Lush.. but with more salt. As soon as I thought that, I KNEW I had the same thought about another perfume, but couldn't remember which. I ended up digging through my past reviews, and it ended up being Old Scratch and Baku. Maybe the same lavender is being used? Shrug.


Dry: This is SO. MUCH. BETTER. when it dries. It's beautiful. This smells like standing near the ocean on a rainy day, with some fresh lavender nearby. I can smell the lavender, sea salt, and rain.  (A little bit sweet, as well.) I was worried it would go the dryer sheet or detergent route, but it didn't. This is beautiful.

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Wet: All lavender.  It's not that we aren't friends, it just smothers everything else when I put it on.


Dry: That expensive decorative soap you're not supposed to use in your great aunt's guest bathroom (but you do once a year at the holidays out of rebellion and she gives you the LOOK because she can smell it on you) with some salty aquatic lurking.  This is something for someone looking for a "clean" smell.

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Perfectly clean, sharp lavender with a bit of salty aquatic. On me, it has very little throw; it stays close to my skin and is mostly gone within the hour. A perfect blend to wear for falling asleep on a rainy night. 

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This. This smells like happy memories of damp days on Welsh beaches, wholesome and tinged with salt and the smell of rain-soaked pebbles underfoot.  Beautiful, soft, utterly non-sharp lavender giving a sense of clean-ness, with a soft, sea-side rainy warmth coming through.

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In the imp: Lavender and salt crystals.


Wet: Heavy on the lavender, herbal with overtones of salty ozone.


Dry: A soporific, slightly powdery, lavender, backed by a spine of sea salt and wind. 


Lifespan of 6-8 hours, medium throw; I love it because I'm a sucker for all things lavender, and would have stocked up on bottles if I didn't already have a lifetime supply of TKO. Will definitely look for it in destash sales.

Stars: ★★★★★

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This one really goes through ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. 


Every time I thought I'd got it made,
It seemed the taste was not so sweet.


For me, this one started out with a blast of fresh sharp lavender – very much like actual lavender smells when you have just fresh cut a bunch, rather than a soft gentle sweet lavender. And there’s a definite saltiness at the start too, which adds to the sharpness and tbh I wasn’t loving it too much at this point because it smelled kind of medicinal. 

But I left it on my arm for ten minutes – went back to it, and all that sharpness was gone. The lavender was still the main player but it’s softer now, and the salt had also lost its sharpness and gone just.. well, salty. And now I can also smell the rain, which wasn’t there at all in that first stage. It is exactly that smell when it starts raining – kind of airy and earthy. I can now say it truly gives me lavender, sea salt, and rain. 

After an hour, it’s mostly faded away to a barely there lavender with the salt and rain providing atmosphere rather than actual scent. It’s quite beautiful, but on me it stays very close to the skin and doesn’t last long. I did enjoy the experience though, because it brought back memories of walking along the beach in the rain which is one of my favourite things to do. ?

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Bought a partial bottle off a forumite. :3


In the bottle: just a strong, almost chemical smell of salt. Salt to the max. Salt to the power of salt.


Wet on skin: salt is pretty forward but the lavender is out to play as well. Also the salt smell, while strong, isn't quite the exponentially strong chemical smell of salt that it in the bottle smells like. I concur that this is an herbal lavender, sharp, not particularly gentle. I like it.


As it dries: Worth its own note, after maybe ten to twenty minutes the salt scent starts to back off and the rain smell comes out. The lavender is still herbal but slightly less sharp.


Dry, a couple hours later: the wear time on this isn't super long on me but I like it so much I don't care. xD I love aquatics and this is no exception, I've quite come to enjoy lavender, and a watery aquatic with salty tang is very good. Interesting to have the salt with a rain rather than a sea scent but BPAL pulls it off very well. Quite happy I have a bottle of this.

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