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BPAL Madness!

Marshmallow Snow

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This is sweet... and lovely. Sniffing in the bottle,  there is this sweetness... but hard to pinpoint what it is, it is a mix of herbal sweetness and candy sweetness. On my skin,  the marshmallow sweet part comes out but then there is that "other" sweet note.. and for the life of me, I have no idea what it is...herbal for sure, but then not!  It softens up and I don't get marshmallow per se, but it is a very nice sweet scent. It is gentle and not crazy. :)  I see it as a relative of Snow White.

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For anyone that has been curious, this does indeed have an icy, slushy evergreen note in addition to the not overly sweet marshmallow. Those notes are balanced nicely. This smells nothing like Snow White, at least none of the 6 vintages that I've worn!

Eta: I love it


Eta2: I'm pretty sure the evergreen note is Spruce dominant.

Eta3: I have a feeling the marshmallow will become stronger with some age. ?

Edited by HerbGirl

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This is the snow note from A World of One Color, or at least a close sibling to it, I think? It's quite sweet, to my nose, and weirdly reminiscent of a combination of frozen pineapple and cedar or fir branches, full of frozen sap. The marshmallow note didn't appear on my skin until well after it was dry, and mostly manifested as a sort of sweet softness in the background.

Edited by AprilB

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When this is wet, the slushy/piney snow note dominates, but as it dries and wears, the fluffy marshmallow emerges. I haven't tried the past bath oil variant of this, so I can't compare them, but I am definitely enjoying this. It's cool and green, but with a delicate marshmallow sweetness that lingers.

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I expected this to be my favorite of my Yule order but.... on me, it's a lot of pine at the start of the wear. Pine isn't even in the official notes. Now, I'm not opposed to pine at all and there are definitely pine fragrances I enjoy, but the pine totally dominates everything here. I'm not getting much of the marshmallow, or even the snow.... besides the feeling of coolness that pine itself tends to give.


As it dries down, a marshmallow-like softness/creaminess does emerge. Still with the pine, but at least there is something more to it than just pine.


The drydown is super nice and lovely, but it's a light fragrance that's on the short lived side (on my skin) and a significant portion of its life is taken up for me by the all pine all the time stage.

It isn't what I expected, but the drydown does make me want to give it more chances because this stage is great. If the marshmallow had a heavier presence from the start, or if it had a little more longevity so I could enjoy this stage more, I'd be totally in love. I'll give it a few more tries and let it age a bit to see how it evolves.

Edited by Kanra

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Well, this was a surprise! In the bottle.. Slushy, cold pine with a hint of camphor? I expected a much sweeter opening. Wet on the skin, it’s a sweet pine. Hello YULE. As it dries, marshmallow starts to show up more and warms it up. I do like this a lot, but thought it would be like a marshmallow Snow White. This is a different snow note and it’s much more cold. Love it. Definitely happy that I blind bottled this, as I don’t have any of this snow note in my collection. 

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I will never, ever, get sick of BPAL's slushy snow note: I fell in love with it with the imp of Skadi '04 and the rest is history. 

Marshmallow Snow does not disappoint when comes to slushy snow--it's the first thing that comes into my nose, and then there's the marshmallow to soften it, and this is gonna sound weird, but it smells...warm? Almost as if it's toasted. It's a sweet cuddly scent, and I'm glad I got it without trying decants first! 

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Amazing! It’s very generic coniferous tree smelling with heavy dusting of powdered sugar and hint of creamy vanilla. Although it doesn’t quite match what I thought it would smell like, I love it. It’s very soft and sweet with pretty pretty trees at the forefront.

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This is more like snowcovered pine with a hint of sweet marshmallow. The same kind of snowy, wintry note that is in my beloved Skadi. I actually smell the marshmallow quite distinctly once it's on my skin, although the pine-snow is more dominant. It's a lovely wintry scent, but as for me, I prefer my Skadi.

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Not what I was expecting. So glad I didn't blind bottle this. It's lovely, but not something I will wear a lot. I was hoping for a pillowy marshmallow base note.

This is a slushy pine tree. The pine tree disappears on dry down and then I'm left with the snow note.

The slushy snow is reminiscent of the snow note in Snow White minus the florals.


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Came for the marshmallow with an extreme aversion to piney Christmassy smells. On me, this is so not for me. Tested from a decant that rested overnight. 


I like a chilly peppermint, but don't much dig a spearmint. And, sadly, I'm not getting any of the marshmallow. Just a lot of wintergreen and something fruity, two vibes I like the least, even less so in combination. Not what I expected. Husband was like, "nuh uh." He guessed cherry gumball. But it's cherry + pine and I feel like a car air freshener. Marshmallow is completely blowing me off here. Glad I tested first! Maybe some more time would change things a bit, but I think it's too far off the spectrum for me to try again.

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Chilly peppermint devolves into fluffy marshmallow. I pretty much only get marshmallow on the drydown. To me, this is marshmallow SN at the moment. Medium throw and wear length.

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Menthol and eucalyptus in the bottle, which eventually dries to a pleasant foodie mint. Not really “snow.” The marshmallow comes out when it’s completely dry, as a faint perfumy vanilla.

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Definitely the BPAL snow note, sweet as one would expect, but once it dried it had this touch of spicy fruit to it that I can't place - like bubblegum, but like fancy bubblegum, like a hipster got a hold of it. I love the BPAL snow note and marshmallow note, but I fear together may not be for me.

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Yep, it’s a dead ringer for the Marshmallow Snow bath oil they did a while back, with poofy sweetness layered onto slushy pine-pitch snow. It wants to label itself “minty,” but that is not quite right.

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This one kind of blew my mind. I wasn't that interested in marshmallows or snow, but this smells like Mountain Temple (White sandalwood incense smoke drifting through snowflakes) to me, which is a fragrance I missed out on and wish I had more of. 

I'm definitely also getting the foresty notes, though they're very soft, and sweetened with an undertone of mintyness.  

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Wet: Snow and herbal mint? Maybe like spearmint? No marshmallow to be found so far.


Dry: Less minty now - just kind of a cold, herbal scent. (It smells like something I would use to open my sinuses - just a more mild version.) Still no marshmallow. :( 


Huge bummer for me, I was really looking forward to this one!

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Sugary sweet vanilla marshmallows. I believe there is a subtle white floral note in the background, or maybe that's just part of the snow note like in Snow White. It's really gorgeous but not super foodie if that's a concern for you. I agree with zankoku_zen that this could almsot be a marshmallow single note.


I like it, but I don't think I'll upgrade to a bottle. Would likely be good to layer with however, so I'll keep my decant.

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This is the BPAL snow note that I prefer, the one with sort of a herbal slushy evergreen vibe as in Snow Moon ('05/'12), Skadi, Cloister Graveyard in the Snow, or Nuclear Winter. I loathe the sweet snow note in Snow White and it goes really terrible on my skin, and that one is nowhere to be found here!


However, I was really hoping for more marshmallow, because I love the Lab's marshmallow scents and I was expecting a balance here. On wet, however, it's all slushy piney snow with a little bit of vanilla sweetness. As it dries the marshmallow comes out a little more, but this is definitely all about that snow note.


If that's your favorite snow note and a sweet vanilla version appeals to you, this is definitely that scent.

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I know for some this disappointed, but I really love it! I was hoping for something in the same family as NYC Snowball Fight and that's what I got.


It does start strong on the piney sharp snow, but it didn't take long for that to settle for me and become sweeter, creamier, and vanilla-y. This isn't as sweet or vanilla forward as Snowball Fight, but I'm very happy with the balance in this blend. It's simple and soft, giving me a sense of pure joy and comfort. I also think it will be great for layering.


I couldn't judge the wear time well, but it has lasted all day in my scent locket. 

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Some of the reviews were making me nervous, but I love sweet mint notes, so I ordered this one - and I'm so glad I did! It starts out as that pure slushy chilly snow note - but that's fun, because I'm not sure I have anything else quite like it! As it dries, a soft sweetness comes out, like vanilla clouds in the icy forest. It's so pretty and different, and I find myself reaching for it a lot!


Awesome Husband said, "chilly floral?" and I hadn't thought I was getting any floral notes, but maybe he's picking up the same suggestion of white florals that fairybites was mentioning, up above!

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Piney herbal, lightly flowery mint. 

Reminds me of Nuclear Winter, which scared me a little because sadly that one gives me a massive headache, but no headaches here! My sinuses do feel nicely opened up.


It's been about 10 minutes since application, and so far no marshmellow, which I am very much sad about...but it does remind me of Christmas trees, which makes me happy.

Just picturing myself lying down in a lightly snowy pine forest, its the right amount of chilly and I'm laying on top of a waterproof blanket and I didn't forget to bring my gloves this time. I'm having a good time, but I still want my marshmellows, dammit!


Edit: It's been like 45 mins since application, marshmellows are finally showing up, they kinda remind me of Lucky Charms marshmellows. 

...Also I lightly brushed my wrist again my cheek, now my eye is feeling a little bit of minty fumes. Feels kinda nice, but don't do it.

Edited by ashtart

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Here’s the lab’s snow note which has been around for a long time, think Snow White...slushy and cold, intensely sweet, but with a sharp sour evergreen needle aspect. Now...with marshmallow! So, the sweetness and creaminess of the snow note is really compounded and intensified here. Which is nice! If the evergreen or floral concentration of Snow White is too intense (it is for me!), maybe try Marshmallow Snow if a sweet winter slush seems more to your liking.

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