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Fuzzy Peach Sweater and A Mug of London Fog

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First thought: if Cozy Sweater and an Apple Cider went laundry detergent on you, this one will too.  Something about the interaction between fruit notes and the lab's wool note seems to have this effect on some of us.  In the bottle I get fresh, airy, sweet peach, with a bit of lavender from the Earl Grey in a London Fog.  On my skin, I get mostly a lovely cosy peach, with that wonderful wooly sweater note.  Not much lavender or citrus to be had, but there's an airy freshness to it, and on drydown I have a bit of the lavender floral note again.  Gorgeous ❤️  Edit: every Earl Grey tea I've had has included lavender, but apparently that is not standard!

Edited by faerydusts

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Three minute hot-out-of-the-mailbox review:


I was so excited for this.  It went from peach fuzz to permanent marker on me real quick.  Maybe it'll calm down.

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The first review freaked me out because lavender and I do not get along! But there is no lavender in Earl Grey tea, and no lavender in this blend either, whew!

There is, however, a very clean note as the first reviewer notes. Wet, there's a similar medicinal quality to some lavenders, so I totally see the comparison, and agree that this is flirting with Drier Sheet Land. 

The laundry note recedes quickly on me, and a barely pre-ripe peach emerges. A peach when the flavor is fully developed, but the juices aren't going to run down your wrists. This is my favorite time to eat a peach, but right now this perfume is “eating that peach next to a drier vent.”

Currently, all I’m getting is sharp peach laundry. No black tea, bergamot, milk, or vanilla syrup; no woolly sweater. I am desperately hoping those bass notes show up after more rest!!

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This started off VERY bergamot dominant on me - but quickly dries down into a very fancy fabric softener. I agree very much with Estamets ‘ review. It’s peach laundry soap! It smells fantastic considering, but not quite my cup of tea. ?

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I. Am. Obsessed. Obsessed. Like, I ordered 4 bottles of this and I don't know if that was enough. 


The bright, juicy peach hits you up front, but followed closely behind is a wooly, fuzzy tea scent. I don't get any milk or anything like that, but my bottle has only been resting for 3 days because I have no chill.


Overall it really does give the impression of sipping on a London fog while wearing a freshly laundered wool sweater, and there's a plate of fresh peaches on the table. Amazing, SO good 

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Not to bury the lead, but I had high hopes for this that did not work out. 


In bottle: definitely get the cozy sweater vibe, don't smell any tea, bergamot, maybe a little vanilla. 

Wet: sweater, all fuzzy, going powdery, not much peach or tea.

Dry down: all baby powder of doom and nothing else. Turned pretty quickly on me. ?


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I love Cozy Sweater and an Apple Cider, especially as the apple cider note has come out more with age. Wearing it to bed has been a comforting transition to fall this year. If it came back in the Weenies, I'd probably be in line for a backup.


So I had to blind-bottle Fuzzy Peach Sweater. A peach version of CSAC with tea? Please. I'm glad I went with this 'cause it's gorge.


Freshly applied, I get lots of warm-laundry sweater sweetened with vanilla, peach, and a hint of bergamot. The black tea note appears, albeit soft and subdued, sometime in drydown. I also get a bit of perfumey musk, like a neutral skin musk.


London Fog drink recipes sometimes include lavender, though it seems a newer ingredient and not traditional. Huffing this blend, I can see how there could be lavender in its mix. I get something contributing a slight floral vibe to the complexity of the whole, but it's not a note that stands out on its own.

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Love love love! It’s very soft and pretty the peach isn’t too sugary or candied. I can see the comparison to peach laundry detergent but I love it. It also has a depth to it on the dry down that keeps it from being too sweet (I think it’s the tea) which also makes it kind of snuggly and cozy this is the perfect smell for a homebody that likes to cuddle up inside with fuzzy socks

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If I hadn't read earlier reviewers mention dryer sheet, I wouldn't of made the comparison.  While "yes" I can sniff a gentle whiff of a fuzzy "clean" note, it adds a cuddly, almost nuzzling inducing element to this perfume. Please don't think traditional dryer sheet. It's not that all.  Casablanca's review rings true for me too. It's a cuddly skin musk, especially on the dry down. There's something about this perfume that sings post coital skin scent. A clean, fuzzy skin musk, with a touch of sweet, of sweat and a bit naughty around it's nice edges. A total win and keeper for me. 

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I have a hard time picking out individual notes in this one. In the bottle I get almost-peach with an edge that just smells...sharp? The wooly sweater, I think, but it mostly just reminds me of smelling my grandma's old perfumes, bottles that had sat for decades and lost everything but their base notes. Not bad, but not the tea and fruit I was expecting.


Wet on my skin it's another bright PERFUME!!! blast--again, impossible to pick out much of anything individual. I don't know if I'd identify peach if I didn't know it was there, but after a second I think I can pick it out. I get a few minutes of laundry smell, and then it sort of settles into something that is clean smelling without being detergenty. After a few hours it's just sort of subtly clean smelling, with a slight whiff of tea finally coming out. I never get any bergamot, vanilla syrup or, really, much in the way of lasting peach. It's not quite what I was expecting, and I don't think it will be a go-to, but I don't dislike it. It's a bit more--I don't know, formal? than a lot of BPALs I have, and probably a good addition to my collection. 

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On me, this is sweet gummi peach rings with a tangy, slightly sour edge and an undertone of what smells like a clean, freshly laundered blanket.  I get nothing like London Fog (no milk or vanilla syrup), but I get a lemony bergamot feel that makes me think of bpal's crisp white tea note.  It's like eating peach gummi candy while rolled up in a clean blanket on the couch.  It has that clean, generic, "spring fresh" scent that's clean and sweetly, tartly floral, present in so many laundry products.  I haven't tried Dirty in a long time, but that's what this is reminding me of.

Snuggly, clean laundry and sour peach gummi candy covered in sugar crystals.

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Sadly, I'm on the same page as @faerydusts. I was hoping for a peachy version of Lazy Daisy, which I love love love in the spring/summer. I love the tea & cotton notes there. This starts out a delicious juicy peach but morphs into a dryer sheet on me. Not a sweater, just the detergent. And I love lavender, but this is not that. I've tested this a couple times, and it's just not working for me. Bummer. 

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Warm, clean sweater, a bit laundry detergenty like Cozy Sweater and an Apple Cider, with a gentle candy peach. Fun and comfy. Im not getting anything that is noticeably London Fog, but apple cider sweater took a while to deepen and bring out the cider so I wonder if this will be similar.


Overall this blend is a happy and cozy blend that I find very pleasant. Didnt last very long, but was happy to reapply.

Edited by deadlyves

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When wet its perfumey, but peach starts creeping into the background. As it dries the peach becomes more prominent but still very classic perfume floral on me. Reminds me of something a relative wore back in the dim distant past but I can't put a name to it.

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Fuzzy cashmere and peaches, with a hint of honeysuckle? This one is cozy, soft, and peachy. Medium throw and medium wear length.

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I definitely get the clean sheets/fresh laundry note, but not in a bad way - it's a warm sort of clean, like I've got an armful of sheets fresh from the dryer. The peach is also very strong on me - and stronger after I left the bottle alone for a week or so and came back to it; this second test is much more peach-forward. I don't think I'm getting much tea, but it might be adding a citrus note?


I like it more on this second test than I did the first time around - not that I disliked it before, but I had wanted more peach, and that seems to be coming out more now, so hopefully it'll continue to do that! Right now it's very nice: cozy and domestic, like I've just been out picking peaches in the backyard (the house I grew up in had a peach tree) and ate a juicy one after coming in, and am now folding warm laundry!

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This peach note is like a whiter peach. It's not juicy or tangy- a certain kind of peach taste that is hard to describe. This is very perfumy. Definitely getting the Lana Del Rey sweater vibes but she's enjoying some cold peaches on her photoshoot break. In the bottle I can smell the detergent scent people are mentiong here but it morphs into perfumy perfume on the skin. Smells like someone rich! In an alternate reality where the apple store was a peach store she would be the ceo. I think there's some earl grey in the waaaay background making it seem even more rich. Fun! I'd wear this if I ever wanted to feel powerful or pretend I went to space.

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This one went tragically wrong on me. I do get a soapy laundry detergent scent and a nice peachy smell, but I think the bergamot from the tea somehow turns it into something like cat pee. ? I'm hoping with some age the ammonia-like sharpness will fade because I really wanted to like this perfume.

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Have to agree with many here that I am getting zero "London Fog Tea Thing from Morebux" here...no milk really but here is what I DO get:  In the bottle:  Peach pulp galore, with some sugar, and maybe a bit of peach sour candy thingy?  On, wet:  Peach sour candies with white tea and maybe some fresh peach nectar?  Also the Lab's "sweater" note steps up; definitely getting "fuzzy sweater" here in the most abstract way. Drydown:  LONG drydown and morph; after several hours I get peach black tea, warm sweater, and a teeny hit of cream.  Odd that I am not getting any of the bergamot which should have been there for the London Fog.  Give this one a chance and let it stay on a LONG time to morph out.  On me, very little throw but goes through a long morph process

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This one was mostly laundry on me (like laundry aisle, not cozy sweater) with a bit of peach. I got zero London Fog from this, sadly, and I was really hoping for this.


With the exception of Cozy Pumpkin Sweater, I feel like the Lab's sweater/wool scents are not for me. (I like laundry scents like Apocalypse Box and Boober even, but I was really hoping for more fuzzy sweater and any London Fog from this one.)

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Peach & sweet black tea & soap.  This is a little sharp for me, so I'm supplementing by layering it with vanilla blends. Not my most favorite peach blend, but I'm glad I got a bottle to try.

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I had been wondering what BPAL's "sweater" note smelled like, and a generous forumite coincidentally frimped me a bit of this. The "sweater" in this smells like laundry musk - that typical clean laundry smell, a little powdery, a little green, a little fresh. After an initial blast of peach, that is really all I detect. If I sniff hard, I can smell a bit of black tea boosting the laundry smell. After a few hours, it does gain a bit of complexity, sweet tea tempering the sharpness of the laundry scent. This is not for me, but I'm glad I had the experience.

Edited by wordortwo

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