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Black Satin Sheet Ghost

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Glimmering lacquered black patchouli drenched in mate, clary sage, narcissus, and opium tar.

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Young from the mailbox, this is all skanky, pissy, indolic narcissus, in the best way. There is something poignantly vintage about narcissus, so unapologetic and bombshell. I really enjoyed this, but I can’t wait for the other notes to settle in and show up. This is destined to be a stunner once there’s some age on her. Not for the faint of heart though, or for those who don't appreciate a little growl in their floral. 

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Starts off smelling much like Leather Phoenix + unmistakable loud narcissus.  Calms into a cleaner slightly more floral feminine Leather Phoenix. The narcissus shuts the hell up thank god. FYI I love the *idea* of narcissus but not the reality, if high up on the components list. This is a perfect balance. I get to enjoy my narcissus without the pee.

Laquered part is fantastic. Shiny black for sure. The throw is amazing. I love it. Classy, oriental, green floral, smoky, dark n gothy, highly feminine, and stealth. Perfection.

Edited by SophieCedar

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Mine finally arrived! This one spoke to me, as every note is a hit. & it truly is! Dark, & dirty black patchouli, yet clean, astringent-almost Clary sage. Then follows floral narcissus & opium tar, with a little herbal, green touch from the sage & mate. The mate & sage reminds me closely of a mate & sage smudge stick I bought from a vendor at a festival once.


I can smell all the notes clearly in this. Has great length & throw. It is gonna be a favorite to wear for the coming winter. I'm really considering buying a second bottle soon for backup!


**I received my second bottle. Smells the same, of course, but a little sweeter. Now to store it away to age. ❤️

Edited by Rane.
*updated my experience

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Wet: Sage and medicine.


Semidry: A statement scent.  This is definitely black and slinky and something my parents would've told me I was too young to wear at some point.  It's floral to me but it's a dark smell with non-funky patchouli holding it down. I'm not familiar enough with the other components to describe them in more detail.  I get why other posters have said it's gothy.


I might buy this one just to see how it ages.  

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In the decant: Narcissus with some deeper grounding notes that are indistinct at this point. Could be the patch or the clary sage or both. 


On my skin:


Wet, it's just So. Much. Narcissus. As it dries, the clary sage comes out, cutting some of the narcissus's headiness -- though given more time to develop on my skin, the narcissus dominates again. 


Given more time to develop, the black patchouli makes an appearance -- giving it a really nice earthy, grounding quality -- before disappearing again. 


From the way the notes still play for prominence on my skin well after application, I wonder if this is a scent that might still age into its final form. Or, at least, I am hopeful for that as this is glorious for the moments when everything lines up just right, but too much narcissus when it doesn't. 

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Wow, I wasn't quite sure about this one when I ordered it, but I'm very glad I did anyway as on me it's rather gorgeous!


Straight out of the bottle on skin, the narcissus dominates. This is a note that works fairly well on my skin, but the opium and patchouli lend in supporting roles to make a scent that really does remind me of black satin. This perfume would absolutely not be out of place at a goth club, but that fact that it doesn't really have any sort of smoky notes like so many other scents along those lines makes this wearable for me!


During drydown I get a slight greenness to the scent if I huff my wrist, which I'm assuming is the mate but I cannot detect it in the throw. Speaking of throw, this scent has the farthest of the Sheet Ghosts IMO -- definitely not for the faint of heart.


I have high expectations for how this scent will age and think it will only get more amazing with time, but if narcissus is not your skin's friend then this may not be the scent for you. If it is, though, I would highly recommend getting yourself a bottle.

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This oil is a vivid gold color, and freshly applied it is all patchouli doused in narcissus. It does have a "lacquered" fume-y sort of effect to it as well.

As it dries, the herbal notes pop out a bit, and then recede. I think I can detect some of the opium tar like a fuzzy dark center in the swirl of narcissus and patch.

It is a strikingly beautiful but unapologetically bold blend. 

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Wet: Dark and herbal, dense and airy at the same time.


Drydown: The opium and sage stand out the most, but they are by no means all that's going on here. There's a strange dichotomy of heaviness and weightlessness happening. Dark, dense, airy , black and green. Sweet, sharp, earthy, cool, and wispy. It's deviantly sexual and hard to pin down, like a flirty shadow. It makes me yearn to go frolicking through a field at night, hand-in-hand with this ghost, but then I realize that they can't leave the house and suddenly a sense of melancholy kicks in. It's wildly evocative.


Dry: Funky, fresh, kinky, gothic–gah! this one's crazy ya'll, and I mean that in the best way. I think I'm in love. ?



8.5 out of 10 bones

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Black Satin Sheet Ghost calls to me to so hard, but it turns into an actual whorehouse on my skin. Like just cheap, loud, gaudy florals screaming for days. I will gladly keep my decant and see what it turns into over time, because there are notes in here that are so intriguing - the clary sage, the lacquered patchouli, the opium tar - but omg this is so over the top. Will aging mellow it out? Will I regret not buying a bottle? Time will tell!

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I'm loving this one a lot more than I thought I would!! I've been having awful luck with indolic florals recently and fully expected this scent wouldn't work on me, but I'm so happy to be proved wrong! While there's definitely a little musky 'oomf' to the scent, and it's definitely not something I'd wear to the office, it's balanced out so well by the coolness of sage and toned down beautifully by the mate. It's definitely a complex and bold scent but I'm all about it!

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This smells like something a leather-clad hot goth chick would wear to a ball.


Lots of dark, enchantingly dirty notes run through with a cloud of sexy indolic floral. The mate and sage add a dry, slightly sour herbal edge that bridges the patchouli-narcissus divide and harmonizes the top and basenotes. 


IIRC the narcissus was more aggressively dominant when I got this a few months ago- I think aging has improved this imp, imho.

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Huzzah!  I've been wanting to get my hands on this for a while. It's not what I expected (not sure what I expected, really) but I DO like it.  At first sniff and application, it has a strong herbal, almost aquatic, cologne vibe.  Much of this is from the strong sage, but I think the patch is actually adding to this vibe.  This isn't a warm, earthy patch; it's a sophisticated, debonair, and heartless kind of patch.


As the perfume warms on my skin, I can better differentiate the notes.  The mate's mintiness mingles with the sage, keeping that cool, herbal vibe floating on top.  Below those notes, I can detect the opium and narcissus, which is honestly, very reminiscent of the CG Darkness.  This also reminds me of Indulgence, one of my top 10 favs, from the CP line. BSSG has a similar cold chill floating over that dark, glossy patchouli and deep, resinous base, but it lacks the incense I so love.  This is much more herbal and reads as masculine to my nose.  Christian Grey might smell like this, but I'm not sure I want to.

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Powdery narcissus and opium, matched with syrupy patchouli and medicinal sage. I’m not getting pee as others have mentioned! It’s goth and sexy, like a black slip dress and with little boots.

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