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Pumpkin spices wind through a blend of warm musk, carnation, red sandalwood and cassia.

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Jack and Morocco had a baby. Wet, this starts off strong on the buttery pumpkin flesh.. As it dries, the bone-dry Moroccan spices start to emerge. Thankfully, this manages to avoid fall candle territory and becomes sort of a sultry, smoldering oriental pumpkin flesh scent on a pyre of sandalwood. I hope the carnation shows up more as it ages. Color association: all the browns, reds, and golds of the spice cabinet, and of autumn foliage. Very seasonal, warm, flirting on the edge of foodie but not quite committing. Good throw and long-ass wear length.

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Gorgeous lightly spiced pumpkin in the bottle. Smooth, warm this is probably the best pumpkin scent I've tried yet. Morocco is definitely the heart of this scent, but the pumpkin really transforms it into something autumnal. Once settled the pumpkin blends nicely into the vanilla and musk, still detectable but more in balance with the scent as a whole. Beautiful!

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I really love this take on Morocco - the extra spices overtake the carnation and make it much drier, but the pumpkin also adds a buttery element. Jack to me smells different - it has the pumpkin in common, but Jack is sweeter and fleshier, and Moroccan Pumpkin is more like melange on the wind in Dune.

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Warm, very buttery pumpkin mash dominates the opening on my skin, but Moroccan's lightly spicy carnation lurks behind. A warm vanilla suffuses the pumpkin. The cinnamon, other pumpkin spices, and musk are also present but smooth and mild. 


After it dries, Moroccan Pumpkin's balance evens out between warm buttery pumpkin and lightly spiced carnation.


I thought this was too much butter-pumpkin when I first tried it, but on a second test, it seems better balanced and I keep huffing and enjoying it. Enough like a Moroccan Jack to merit a try if you like either.


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Sweet musk, sandalwood, buttery pumpkin, and pumpkin spices is what this mainly consists of on me. The pumpkin/pumpkin spices go amazing with Morocco, like they were meant to be lol. The pumpkin doesn't make this foodie at all and doesn't take over the original Morocco, just adds a nice buttery spicy element to an already lovely GC. As it dries more, the pumpkin does fade some and resembles more of regular Morocco but a little sweeter?

Agree with others that this is like Jack + Morocco: it's a gorgeous blend and perfect for fall time. An absolute keeper.

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This is definitely a warm, buttery, sweet pumpkin and it smells very similar to Adventuresome Encounters to me. I thought I was going to love Moroccan Pumpkin because Morocco is one of my top favorites however, I didn't enjoy the pumpkin note as much and I'd just rather wear Morocco personally. However, if you enjoy pumpkin and Morocco definitely give this one a go, it's a beautiful blend! I love the reference that marared said this is what melange from Dune would smell like!

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Buttery pumpkin, spices, and a whiff of carnation. This one was the most pumpkin heavy version in my mind. Definitely Morocco does Halloween. Good throw and wear length.

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Unfortunately this is also the pumpkin spice note that doesn't vibe well on my skin. It's weird I don't get much Morocco, which is a scent I like. My wallet's happy though.

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Finally testing my decant, lol! I love Morocco and always have. After an hour, the buttery blast of pumpkin fades to leave my beloved Morocco. Great for novelty but nothing beats the original, in my opinion. Will definitely enjoy my decant this Autumn.

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A year later, this is absolutely the love child of Morocco and Jack. If you love the buttery pumpkin that Jack puts in the window display, and the Egyptian-sands-and-spices Morocco peddles, you will be pleased with this Weenie. However, you could also get a pretty good approximation of it just by layering those two GCs. Up close on the skin, it does offer something a bit different, like that sweet potato wink from Adventuresome Encounters! It's pleasant and a bit savoury-fall, not too sweet, so for anyone who usually finds the pumpkin offerings too sugary, this might be another good option.


I ended up only needing a half bottle, but I'm glad I have it, and I'm curious to see how it ages.

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This was a roller-coaster journey!  I love Morocco (the perfect spiced musk & sandalwood blend,) & I love Moroccan Pumpkin Patch


I held off on reviewing MP last year,  My skin amped the musk note when it was fresh from the Lab, turning it into pumpkin spice dryer sheets (cue sad trombone noise.)  I was discouraged, but held to my belief that with age, it would be awesome.  I tried again in December, but without success. 


It's the end of September now, so almost a full year has passed since purchase. Moroccan Pumpkin is now PERFECT!  Morocco's smooth, musky, spicy  wonderfulness,  with more spices, & a little hint of pumpkin sweetness.  

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I really enjoyed morocco and am still looking for the perfect pumpkin-halloween thang for me, so it was a no-brainer to try and find this to try it out. 

From the bottle though, this is  completely different than what i would've expected. I'm getting a squishy fruity raisin for some reason?

On drydown, the sandalwood comes out, and the weird squishy "moist" notes calm down. It's a very soft pumpkin in the background, a sprinkle of spices and a thicc butter note. This is a lot like pink pumpkin musk on me, not what I was looking for, and unfortunately my skin mostly eats this, but it was lovely to give it a try!

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The smells like Morocco (one of my favorites), but more foodie. In the bottle, the pumpkin and spices are the strongest. However, on the skin the foodiness settles down, and the Morocco comes out, but I think it balances very well! Morocco turned autumnal, I love it!

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Immensely slatherable, an oozing study in autumnal comfort, heavy and sweet on the skin. The pumpkin note is rich and velvety, with a buttery smoothness that goes beyond coating the back of a spoon...I think the spoon would stand straight up in this if it were an actual edible thing! Spices add depth and complexity - warm cinnamon and golden, resinous amber - their heat tempered by the syrupy sweetness of brown sugar crystals seemingly dissolving into the blend. There's a thickness to this scent, almost tactile in its presence, like the last spoonful of preserves clinging to the jar. It's a scent that embodies the season's most indulgent desserts - think slices of custardy pumpkin pie topped with dollops of whipped cream, warm cinnamon rolls dripping with gooey icing, and sticky toffee pudding saturated with a rich maple butterscotch sauce.

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