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I can tell this is going to age splendidly. I do get the same hit of something floral at first, but, it calms down and becomes a subtle sexy red musk. I don't detect the pumpkin, but something is giving the red musk a bit of creaminess. I think everyone who likes red musk should get a bottle for the journey it will take you on! 

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Spicy, pumpkiny red musk that lasts FOREVER which is good because I love it and I know damn well that this is going to be one of those scents that sells for an unholy amount after it's gone.  This might be the first I grab a second bottle of, TBH, just because I know I'll never see it for a reasonable price again.  Not really getting any of the florals that everyone else is describing.  Maybe my skin's eating them or they just blend into the other notes to my nose.  I'm going to use a  herculean amount of willpower to resist wearing this for a while, just so I can let it age because, as everyone else is speculating, this is  probably going to age like the finest of wines.  Even after a month this is really blossoming into something amazing, and it was already amazing when I first got it.


Really sexy red musk, really going to  hoard this like a dragon.

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While wet, this blend is deliciously dark and spice-forward. As it begins to dry on my skin, the sweet musk starts to come out alongside the spice, making things less dark.

It takes at least a minute or so for the floral note to join in, which reads as jasmine-esque to me. By this time the spices are quieting down, but are still quite present.

I'm not getting much of the pumpkin pulp, so my overall impression is a sweet spicy floral red musk.

As a point of comparison, the jasmine in A-Rovin' is much brighter. Here, it blends in better and has a more indolic tone. Actually as I sit here and huff at it, it might be an oud with a different white floral - gardenia? There is something darker at the bottom range of this scent that keeps getting away from me. 

Edited by LavenderCoffee

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Pumpkinville!  Probably the closest I will ever get to the storied rare.  This is very nice, a warm pumpkin-y red musk, which has surprisingly little throw on me. It lasts all day as a skin scent. The spices are subdued; this isn't foodie after the first few minutes.  Reading the other reviews, I acknowledge that there may be some well-behaved creamy jasmine in there.  Hmm.  

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Oh wow - this one threw me for a loop! When I opened this fresh from the mailbox, it was almost repulsive. For those of you who think jasmine notes are stank/death notes, this was the first time I would agree with you. However, this is a bottle that can def. benefit from a few days of resting before passing judgements. 


Now, a week after getting my hands on this, when I open the bottle I smell red musk, jasmine, and spices - but it is no longer off-putting. 


In the first few hours on my skin, I get the jasmine note, but it is balanced now with spicy red musk. Kind of like Smut, but a southern belle smut. A southern belle smut at a classy Halloween party. 


Later this dries down, and the jasmine disappears, leaving me with exactly what I had hoped this scent would be - spicy red musk that gently hugs you and hangs around to keep you comfortable. 

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Spicy, smutty, slightly acrid, indolic, the cinnamon does the wet wrapper dance on my skin after a while. Dangit! This really isn't working on me, but glad I don't have to ever hunt this down in the future. On the right skin this would be a sexy, dirty, red musk pumpkin spice and I hightly recommend trying it if these notes work on you together.  ;)

 Red musk has been doing weird stuff on me, sometimes great, sometimes it goes weird. No idea, lol!

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So I do not do florals, like at all…never found one with even the slightest floral whiff that didn’t give me instant and day long migraine.  But I decided to get a decant just because I’ve always wanted to know what Storyville smelled like.  I also never found a Smut variant I liked.  I honestly cannot say what exactly I’m smelling because this so so far out of my frame of reference.  I was shocked though when I opened the vial and I liked it lol.  It’s sweet and spicy and sultry.  It doesn’t change a whole lot on me wet or dry other than to get less sweet.  I’m going to have to give this a full day test tomorrow to see if I wanna snag a bottle before it goes away.  Shock and awe ?.  So I guess whatever floral is in this works for me as does the red musk.

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I never reviewed this because quite honestly... there wasn't a single nice thing I could say about it. I started to in fact: 




Rats. I was afraid of this one once I started seeing floral mentioned in reviews. This is s straight-up jasmine single note to me. No delicious red musk, no spice, no pumpkin. All floral hell. 

Going to hang on to it for a while to see what direction aging takes it but man, HUUUUUUGE disappointment. 



Well, it has aged and that floral hell has died down a LOT. It's still there but thankfully retreated back in line to let any other notes come out and be noticed. I can actually smell the red musk now. It's not the same red musk I'm used to. This one isn't sexy (yet?) but dry and soft around the edges. Almost sophisticated. Still zero pumpkin but a few spices lingering around here and there every once in a while. Smells like a long, distant forgotten memory. Can't wait to see what this does in another couple of months because the journey this has taken in just the short time I've had it has been wild.

Edited by space girl lost

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Rrrrrrr. Smutty and delicious. I want to eat my arm when this is on me and boy do I slather it.

It reminds me a bit of the old Mme Moriarty, but slightly deeper, boozier/more edible and sexier. Can't wait for this to age more. ?

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Very nice fall scent.  Musky vanilla, not getting any pumpkin.  I do have an imp of Storyville somewhere ?, but from what I remember, this is pretty darned close.  I’m sure with some aging it’ll be even closer.

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am i a jasmine person now?  is that who i've become?  because there's definitely jasmine here, and i definitely really like this perfume. 


wet, i smell bitterish jasmine, fruity-sweet red musk, vanilla, spices, and a touch of creamy vegetal pumpkin, in that order.  

dry, that red musk pops out all sweet and juicy and the vanilla really blooms out around it.  there's some spicy creamy jasmine just hanging out around the edges.   i really dig it.  it sounds like it would be a sexbomb, but the musk is so sweet and fruity, the vanilla so soft, that it actually doesn't read that way at all. 

i'm not tracking any pumpkin at all really, but i think it's lending some creaminess.  that's fine by me... i'm not exactly anti-punkin, but not really pro-punkin either.  i'm meh-punkin. 


this is a cousin of wild nights! to me, with that jasmine/musk/vanilla/spice thing going on.  which, coincidentally, is the only other jasmine blend i've ever enjoyed.  so either i've had some major body chemistry/preference changes (which is highly likely, honestly) or that's just the magical combination.   either way, this is great, and it's only gonna get better. 

Edited by MamaMoth

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Im so confused by this. I’m getting jasmine as well + red musk. Not picking up pumpkin/spice. This bottle has been resting a couple weeks, will keep re-testing.

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Pumpkinville really surprised me because on my skin I'm not getting a whole lot of pumpkin. I get mainly red musk and ... florals? Maybe, it's Jasmine as other people mentioned but I also wondered if it was Lily. I find the red musk the dominant note so the florals don't become high pitched, they are very well behaved. I don't get any pumpkin spices at all. If I put my nose to my wrist I can detect what I think is a hint of pumpkin. After a few hours wear time I'm left with a blend of red musk and floral notes. I'm wondering how this will age and if the pumpkin and spices will become more pronounced. 

Edited by becca_s

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hot dayuuuum, this is sexy. like, if you could turn great sex on top of freshly-picked jasmine into a perfume, you’d get this. Femme, warm, musky, seductive. like the macy playground song “sex and candy,” but sex and jasmine. date-night worthy.

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I'm unsure if the Jasmine goes to powder on me, or if there's amber in this, but something here dosen't sit right with me. Very glad to have tried, but there are other pumpkin foreward scents I own that I like a lot more!

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Oof, this one is all jasmine on me, which is not a note that plays well with my skin chemistry. I'll give this one a bit longer before I write it off completely, as so many of the notes are favorites, and I'm hoping it ages into something that works on me.

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