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Beaver Moon 2021

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Cheesecake and a dark, spicy cherry syrup. I think the pumpkin is what is reading as spiced. Not much chocolate. Actually even the cheesecake isn't really prominent. Pumpkin and cherry battle it out and pumpkin is winning. I smell something else in there too, maybe a musk? I think this would appeal more to pumpkin lovers than cherry lovers but it could also just be my skin chemistry.

Edited by wolf_truffles

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Like above, when I sniff, there is a wonderful, thick syrupy gooey spicy cherry with a bit of chocolate, like how it smells when you bite into a choco covered cherry. I love cherry scents, but also a little leery of it because it can be either WAY too sweet or smell like cough syrup. I think the addition of the chocolate and pumpkin help makes it smell VERY good!!

On, the pumpkin spiciness comes out, but isn't overbearing. The chocolate & cherry are there as well. I get a hint of cheesecake, but no crust. A crust-less cheesecake! :) As it dries, I get cherry & pumpkin. Sounds odd, but the two smell very good together!

I really like this!! I bet it will get amazing with age. This is a good one for foody/gourmand lovers like myself! 

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It's a three way custard fight between cherry, chocolate, and pumpkin flavor. I don't know who's winning. Probably not chocolate. But I smell great.

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In the bottle: Hard cherry candy


On wet: The hard cherry (not a syrupy cherry, more like that hard cherry candy) hits me first.


Dry: It's still cherry, but I smell a graham cracker crust is there too, in the background. No sign of the cheesecake (on me at least).


It stays pretty close to my skin and very little throw; as far as longevity, I've had it on for over an hour and it's faded very quickly. 


Do I like it? Yes, it's quite nice, and perhaps if I layered it with another scent it would be more prominent, but it's ok the way it is too. Maybe I'll let it age for a bit.....


This is my first Beaver Moon scent so it's a nice start to the collection! 

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In the bottle: Chocolate Cherry Pumpkin Cheesecake. If you've smelled Pumpkinville, it's the same pumpkin cheesecake I smell in that bottle.


Wet: Cherry chocolate with a rich, lightly spicy creaminess in the background.


Dry: Spicy goodness with a pecan crust! I dunno how that happens, but I smell a pecan crust in there. It's a nice spicy smell but the chocolate cherry has gone into the background. I smell clove and cinnamon. Not sure how I'm getting this much cinnamon without a welt.


I really love this. I'm hoping the chocolate and cherry come back after a little more aging and the spices have had time to settle. I hope the pecan crust stays though. I've had this less than two weeks and I live in LA so it's fairly fresh. I'd say this has a medium throw so far. I'm not sure what the staying power is like since I put this on half an hour ago and this is the first real test I've done, aside from my slapping it on right outta the mail.

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In the bottle, this smells like wonderful rich pumpkin cheesecake smothered with chocolate and cherries. On my skin, I get straight cinnamon. Skin chemistry strikes again! :cry2: I'm hoping that aging will help the other foodie notes come out more because I love how this smells before it hits my skin.

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Creamy pumpkin cheesecake topped with cherries and drizzled with chocolate. The pumpkin is more pumpkin spice than actual pumpkin, and the cheesecake smells creamy and warm. I get far more black cherry than chocolate accompanying the pumpkin cheesecake during the dry phase of the scent. It ends up being a cherry-topped spiced cheesecake on me. I like the cherry, but I'm not sure if I like it with the spiced cheesecake and will have to retest this after it has had some more time to settle.

Edited by doomsday_disco

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spicccccy pumpkin and cherry, no cheesecake for me. quite a bit of cinnamon, maybe a hint of the chocolate? 


my skin hates anything spiced or chocolate, so i figured this one wouldn’t work but i had to try it. ? i love the label, though! 

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Cherry! Spicy cherry!


I don't get much pumpkin, but I do get pumpkin spice, over a rich dark cherry sauce, and a creamy cheesecake backdrop. This goes on very intense, big and bold, but not in a bad way - it's just a very big happy spiced cherry cheesecake! It stays pretty much the same upon dry-down, only softening slightly. It's a good holiday scent!

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I do love me some Beaver Moon, but they can be a little hit and miss for me.  This year's version actually reminds me very strongly of one of my favourite LEs from long ago: Monster Bait - Closet.  I've spent years trying scent after scent to try to find something that is similar to Closet, and I'm super surprised and delighted to have found one!  This smells like a mix of classic Beaver Moon and Monster Bait - Closet, a cream cheese frosting on a red velvet cupcake drizzled with blackberry and cherry syrup.  Just plain lovely.  ❤️

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Rich chocolate-pumpkin cheesecake with crumbling graham cracker crust.


Last night, I didn't get much cherry glaze until drydown, but this morning, the glaze is more potent and present. 


This pumpkin combines with the chocolate to lean toward peanut butter on my skin. When I tried this on last night, before I saw the notes list, I thought this was chocolate and peanut butter with graham crackers.


One for gourmand lovers. Rich, heavy, foodie.

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Pumpkin cheesecake, hints of chocolate and cherry. Oddly peanut buttery? I mean, who complains about that? Medium throw and wear length.

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