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Sugar Cookies and a Popcorn Garland

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This scent is amazing but not in the way I expected? Immediately a bit more spiced than expected, lots of sugar. Reads more "cool" than warm. But after a few minutes it smells like incredible bubble tea. Like the sugared tapioca pearls to be more specific. Popcorn note goes away almost immediately. After a while the tapioca pearl fades a little and sugar cookie sugar is everlasting. Somehow not overly sweet? A fun start to this year's yules!


edit: popcorn note did replace the bubble tea note hours later after I washed my hands. Granulated sugar note lasts and lasts

Edited by wolf_truffles

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Sniffed straight out of the bottle, I get kettle corn, yum!

Then it stays true on my skin from wet to dry stages: a great balance between the slightly spiced sugar cookie and the buttery popcorn. A great holiday gourmand scent, another blind-bottle win for me!

I love what wolf_truffles said above about the tapioca pearls, as this definitely reminds me of my favorite horchata bubble tea.

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This is quite a sweet, browned sugar/maple syrup kind of scent. Miskatonic University has a note in it that straddles syrup and popcorn for me, and that is very much what Sugar Cookies and a Popcorn Garland does for me. If you were expecting a true salty movie popcorn type of distinguishable note, this one might not do it for you, but if you like the caramel corn family of scents, this ends up being an excellent sweet gourmand in that category. Syrup notes are a disaster on my skin, so alas this won't be a full bottle for me, which is to be expected. I think this will be a big win with others.

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The sugar cookie note in this is syrupy, and the popcorn note is like kettle corn, so this smells like kettle corn that's been drizzled in brown sugar or maple syrup. :yum: 


I am not sure I need more of this, but the decant is a keeper!

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I get more popcorn out of the bottle, it's a warm slightly syrupy kettle corn scent. On my skin it's more of the soft, plush sugar cookie scent with a light wafting of the kettle corn. Not toothachingly sweet, just every so slightly buttery. As it dries I think I can detect the tiniest hint of salt. Really fun scent, has a huge hit of nostalgia for me. 

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In the bottle I can smell the popcorn with a sprinkling of brown sugar. On my the popcorn disappeared fast, unfortunately (I love Beth's popcorns!).  But it turned into a very warm maple syrupy-sweet brown sugar with just slight wafts of popcorn lingering in the background.  Very cozy on a cloudy wintery day!  

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Sugar Cookies/Popcorn Garland smells like kettle-browned butter over popcorn. I don't get a lot of cookie from this one, but there's stove-melted butter to spare.


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The popcorn note is strong in the decant and on initial application.  After about 20 minutes, popcorn recedes, & mostly a salty butter cookie. 

This is a blend that hits the same cookie pleasure center in my brain as Cinq. I'm not sure I need a bottle, but that could change as the decant gets more wear.

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Ok, I love popcorn scents and I love this, in the foodiest way. It's just warm and cozy and smells sweet and tasty. I will admit that someone near me while I was wearing it kept asking if I smelled pancakes, or maple syrup, and I was like no, what is up, I do not smell that. But then I did smell that...and it was me, wearing this oil. So if you like smelling like sugar cookies, popcorn, or even pancakes with maple syrup, this is likely to be your thing! :)

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Cracker Jacks!  Not an exact dupe, but this is a sweet, kettle corn and caramel smell.  Very foody and fun.  It's similar to the popcorn note in Mouse Circus, but more in your face.  My half bottle of MC is plenty sweet and foody enough for my preferences, but if you love MC, this is probably different enough to still be worth a sniff. It's lasted on me for about 6 hours now, through yard work, and is still surrounding me with an aura of Cracker Jack as I type.

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This to me definitely codes more to a salty floral + brown sugar. It's sort of strange because the salt seems to bring out floral notes and I just don't know. Medium throw and wear length.

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In the bottle: maple syrup and popcorn


Wet: salty, buttery, sweet, and lightly spicy. It reminds me of how a kitchen smells when all different sorts of baked goods have been made over the course of a couple days during Christmas and now it smells like all the things. Someone made sugar cookies with lots and lots of butter, and potentially brown sugar, and then they made some spiced cookies, followed by rolls, and someone may have been putting together popcorn garlands in there as well. And all the while your grandma has cinnamon potpourri wax melting in the next room-but this is very likely just my skin chemistry doing it's spice amp thing.


Dry: pretty much the same, but the butteryness has gone into the background. It's primarily lightly spicy cinnamon potpourri and salty, sweet popcorn on me.


I actually wore this to work a few times when I first received it, and without fail, people started remarking that they smelled maple syrup and/or pancakes, and I have to admit, it even began to smell like that to me after a while, so I gave up on wearing it. Now that I've let it settle for a couple months, it seems to have lost a lot of that maple syrup smell, except in the bottle. But it's definitely gone full-on Christmas scent, so it's no longer seasonally appropriate now that we're in Spring, and it's going in my fall/winter box to continue aging.


Oddly, even though I normally hate cinnamon because of my skin chemistry, this one stays light enough that it never gets to the point that I feel bothered by it, which is a relief.?

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I remember when I first received this the sugar cookie note was stronger (yum) but as it’s aged the popcorn has come out stronger and the cookie note has faded some. Wish the cookie stayed. I’ve also realized I’m not as into popcorn smells as I think I am. If it’s a main note it’s too much. The throw and staying power are medium on me. ???

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