Seajewel Report post Posted May 24, 2022 Freshly-cut lilacs with a touch of amber, bourbon vanilla, and muguet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvertree Report post Posted May 25, 2022 If, like me, you want your lilac perfume to give you that “yeeted face-first into a lilac bush” experience, then ask your perfumer if Vase de Lilas a la Fenetre is right for you. (It is.) On the bottle and fresh on my skin, this is a profusion of fresh, sun-warmed lilac blossoms spilling their gorgeous purple fragrance into the clean spring air. There's a slight greenish note reminiscent of fresh stems and leaves, but predominantly I get great billowing clouds of pure lilac goodness. I'm going to have to compare against my precious Blue Lilac SN, but this is practically a lilac SN. It's everything I wanted, and more! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geminirubyshoes Report post Posted May 28, 2022 wowowowowwowow this is the lilac perfume of my dreams!!! Literally the perfect essence of spring/early summer in a bottle. Absolutely beautiful. It doesn’t seem to have a ton of throw but it might need a bit of time as I just received this today. If you are a lilac lover and don’t buy this, I am not sure to what say except you are missing out big time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beary Strange Report post Posted May 28, 2022 Almost a single note lilac. But boy is it a lovely lilac. Its soft edged but strong, with occasional hints of stems and leaves that add a freshness to this without making it overly vegetal . And it’s got an enormous throw on me, which showcases the vanilla a little bit better. Up close sniffing it I don’t get anything but lilac, but I keep smelling vanilla around me and this was the only thing with vanilla in it I had on. Short-medium life span. This is truly lovely and I agree that lilac fans need to pick this up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lycanthrope Report post Posted May 28, 2022 I can't add much to the above. This is a strong, very flower forward lilac, with enough greenery to smell like the leaves and the twiggy twigs (yes that's an official biologist term dammit) so it has some true plantiness (also a term). If you were a bit concerned it would have a lot of the glassy and amber notes like House of Mirrors or the like, it does not. I really like it. I also own a metric boat-ton (not a real term) of lilac scented things so I'm good to not hoard. I do prefer my lilac shaken and stirred with other things, but if you like lilacs, this is a definite winner. Plantiness of the twiggy twigs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
becca_s Report post Posted June 9, 2022 This scent is a very spring like burst of fresh lilacs. I can also detect a hint of the muguet at times. It's a very fresh and lush floral that doesn't turn powdery or soapy on me and it has decent throw. I think I can smell amber in the background but not so much vanilla. Lilac is definitely the star here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wendyb1063 Report post Posted June 24, 2022 This is a lovely, lovely scent that does, indeed, showcase lilacs in full bloom. I thought it would remind me of my Mother, who loved lilacs above all other flowers. And it does, but even more, it reminds me very strongly of one of the very first "little girl" perfumes I had as a young child. That doesn't mean that this is a youngster's perfume; I think it could be worn by anyone of any age. I'm so glad I have a bottle of this beautiful perfume. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leopard403 Report post Posted June 30, 2022 On 5/25/2022 at 3:27 PM, Silvertree said: that “yeeted face-first into a lilac bush” experience It certainly is that. ? And then, addition of muguet to ANYTHING always makes things smell like a candle to my mind, so this is OMG LILAC CANDLE YOWZA. The lilac does settle a bit, but it is still very much the prominent note here. This is absolutely that Cassat painting experienced via the olfactory system! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
puellacaerulea Report post Posted July 1, 2022 The lilac note is the most dominant in this scent, and it's a fresh, springy, true lilac note. The muguet, vanilla, and amber are very much background players, but they add a subtle smoothness to the scent and bump it into something just beyond a lilac single note. If you like lilac, you're going to want this one. Fairly low throw, medium wear time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kscha2017 Report post Posted July 12, 2022 When I was a teenager, I had a lilac perfume. Can't remember the maker. I loved it and wore it all summer for a few years. We had lilacs in our yard then, too. Happy memories of hot summer nights, looking at the stars, full of hope for my future. This smells just like that perfume (but much higher quality) and those memories. BPAL so often makes me cry. Thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theseagrows Report post Posted July 17, 2022 fresh realistic lilacs. sometimes i just want a pure lilac scent and this seems to be it. after the drydown i get a hint of amber and vanilla, but this is primarily lilac on me. perfect for spring! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
labugsy Report post Posted August 12, 2022 All lilacs all the time, and I'm here for it. It starts as a lovely lilac SN, but never gets too screechy feeling, which happens to me often with floral notes. After about half an hour (maybe less?) of SO MUCH LILAC, I start to get the amber and vanilla too, and they both help to soften the lilac but yet also enrich it somehow? At this stage is stops smelling like a person wearing lilac perfume and starts smelling like the scent of lilacs wafting about on a warm breeze. The amber is the light, clear, golden type that doesn't read as extremely resinous to me. I think it adds to the warm spring day feeling I get from this scent. Absolutely gorgeous. Fighting the urge to upsize my decant, since I really only want to smell like lilacs for a month or so max out of every year, and I already have a lot of lilac perfumes... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
puck_nc Report post Posted August 16, 2022 Origin: Straight from the Lab Initial Thoughts: I like lilacs a lot and I love bourbon vanilla. Amber can amp on me if it's dark, so fingers crossed there. And then the reviews emphasized how it's so very lilac, so I bit. In the bottle: FRESH-CUT LILAC! ALL THE FRESH-CUT LILAC. Wet: Lilacs without the "green" of fresh-cut. Guessing the amber is toning it down or the vanilla is making it sweeter. Drydown: Lovely sweet sun-warm lilacs. The vanilla and amber aren't front and center but are enhancing the lilac very nicely. I'm not sure I can pick out any muguet since I'm not quite sure what it's like on its own, but it's not doing anything bad that I can tell. Verdict: Keeper. I definitely recommend this for any fans of lilac. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucchesa Report post Posted September 28, 2022 I rarely wear florals, but for a couple weeks each year when the lilacs are blooming, I want to go around in a cloud of lilac. I’ve run out of Eusapia, and I’m hoarding my last quarter bottle of Cave of Treasures, so this is a very welcome addition to my Lilac stash. Lilac and more lilac. I’m sure the vanilla and amber are supporting this somehow, but the overall impression is exactly that cloud of lilac I’m after, with great throw. Pure springtime loveliness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoseThornAndOak Report post Posted November 13, 2022 In the bottle and on application: this is all about the lilac, high pitched and bright. The amber, vanilla, and muguet are doing little to tame it down. This is most similar to Lucy's Eyes at this stage. Nice, I like. Drydown Muguet comes out beautifully, tempering the high pitched powdery lilac with a fresh, dewy, lifelike, lily floral. I can't detect the vanilla or the amber proper, they are adding an overall softness, high end/elevated aura without being overtly perfumey. The amber is far less detectable than in Lucy's Eyes but I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same amber. This stage skews more Grief, Pele, and Lady of Shalott. Another timeless floral that could fit into any decade and be appropriate, although this does give me somewhat 1940s vibes. You know I can't think of any time or place where this would be inappropriate. Funeral: I'm ready. Interview: let's gooo. Some historical thing: it's flowers I'm gonna smell so good. Date night? Sup, I'm confident. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dronzeka Report post Posted January 7, 2023 Like everyone else, I get lots of lilac from this one. Maybe a little muguet in the background, and I'm sure the vanilla and amber ground it a little, but yeah, almost SN lilac. It's a lovely lilac scent. For me this is something I'll wear almost exclusively in the spring - I grew up with lilac trees in our backyard and the scent is absolutely anchored in those fresh green spring days for me. If you like lilac, this is a good option for you, but if you want a vanilla-amber scent, look elsewhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crystaltongue Report post Posted February 8, 2023 It has been a cold, rainy, and gray February so far, and I wanted a scent that would remind me that spring WILL come again. Vase de Lilas a la Fenetre was there for me in exactlt the way I needed. It is exactly the smell of walking out on a sunny spring day and stopping to smell the blooming lilacs. The vanilla and amber do come through a little more for me on drydown than it seems to do for other folks, and the muguet is certainly detectable, but the lilac is absolutely the star. Absolute floral bliss! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poenari Report post Posted March 2, 2023 I finally blind bought a bottle from the Lab in late November/early December, and other than a quick bottle sniff it's been sitting in the dark waiting for some early spring weather for me to break it out. Well it was 70 here yesterday, but I wanted to wear Serpent In The Roses. It's only 45 today, but I am finally giving this a full wear test. I adore lilacs so this was a must-have sent for my collection. One of the few happy memories I have of Catholic grade school is from the month of May. In particular my second grade classroom. It was located in the attic floor of a very old building. We loved being isolated from everyone else in the school, especially when it came to fire drills. We had to climb out a window onto a rickety old iron fire escape and slowly make our way down to the ground level. Everyone else exited from the main front stairs of the building. It was dangerous and scary and thrilling and would never be allowed nowadays. But we loved the thrill! My other favorite memory is of our May altar that was set up in our classroom. It had a big statue of the Virgin Mary, and we brought in tons of spring flowers to cover it: tulips, hyacinths, daffodils,, but most of all lilacs. We had two big lilac bushes in our yard so I always clipped big bunches of lilacs to bring to school. The scent of those beautiful fresh cut lilacs, with my nose buried in them during the bus ride to school, and placing them overflowing onto the altar, still makes me smile. And on whichever date was my turn to be May Queen, I wear a crown of lilacs and passed out flowers and treats to the entire classroom. This bottle takes me back instantly. All lilacs, all the time, beautiful sweet lilacs. It also has a lot of throw and long wear time on me. I love this so much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zankoku_zen Report post Posted April 5, 2023 Lilac SN, with a touch of vanilla. Medium throw and wear length. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PrinceofcatS Report post Posted February 2, 2024 This is one of the lilac fragrances of all time, pretty much a soliflore with the supporting notes bringing out the fleshiness of the lilac. This is a lilac bush on a bright blue sky day, when you put your face directly into the blossoms and huff. Not rainy or faint. Not especially sweet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites