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Moon When The Cherries Turn Black

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Ink-black cherries immersed in murky, gleaming black musk, threaded with dried blackcurrant, tobacco absolute, and smoked amber.

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This is the epitome of glory. Dark black musk mixes with dark cherries and a hint of currant and amber on my skin. I wish I had bought two of these!! Legit, it's dark and gorgeous and delicious.  I love black cherries and with the musk and amber..it's amazing! 

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I agree with Dark Alice! This is like, a darker version of Kabuki. Like eating a cherry tootsie pop under a full moon wearing all black velvet. 

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My boyfriend and I are sluts for cherry scents. When he first sniffed this from the bottle, without even trying it, he said it was so amazing that it was time to kick Lordy out of his All Hallows' Read bottle stand so that this could take its place.


And indeed, when first applied, it is the most glorious dark cherry scent. It's a very dark cherry backed by tobacco and dried blackcurrant (which you can definitely tell is dried). Over time, the cherry diminishes and the tobacco and dried blackcurrant became the main players on both of us (I was surprised!). I was worried about the black musk, but it wasn't a bully on me, and the smoked amber becomes more noticeable by the end of the day, but was never as strong as the tobacco or dried blackcurrant on either of us. There's only a trace of cherry by that point, sadly, so I'm probably going to have to scent locket this to hold onto that initial cherry goodness (although it's still good when the cherry isn't the dominant note!).


I really hope that the Lab is able to release the art for this one on the shirt. I'd love to have it to go with my bottle. :beg: 

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Mother of Cats, why didn't I get two bottles of this?!


All notes present with the juicy cherry disappearing/melding ten minutes on my skin. I absolutely love this - so dark, so resinous and not overpowering. I was scared when I smelled this in the bottle - that cherry was fierce!!! 


Ooohhhh...the black currant, black musk and tobacco are fantastic together!!! Wow!

Edited by HerbGirl

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On 9/18/2022 at 7:44 PM, HerbGirl said:

Mother of Cats, why didn't I get two bottles of this?!


All notes present with the juicy cherry disappearing/melding ten minutes on my skin. I absolutely love this - so dark, so resinous and not overpowering. I was scared when I smelled this in the bottle - that cherry was fierce!!! 


Ooohhhh...the black currant, black musk and tobacco are fantastic together!!! Wow!

 This sums it up. Why did i not get two bottles so I could slather away! This a fantastic, dark cherry purring scent and I love it.


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Okay I'm here to weigh-in as the cherry hater.  I KNOW I KNOW... Why would you get this lovely creation if you hate cherry?!  It's rather simple.... the artwork made me do it!  I simply love the label so very much. I did see our lovely Puddin is hard at work to see about tee's coming back, and this gives me much hope, I am a creature of the soft artful t-shirts.  Sooooo let's take this ride!


CHERRY!!! I'M CANDY CHERRY!!!   Oh my goodness for the first 5 minutes wet on my skin this is an exact replica for those imposter cough drops my kids love... Ludens? Lubdems?  The brand starts with an L, I know that much.  Either way, I expected this to present, and really hoped that the black musk and tobacco would wrestle cherry into submission.  


I found myself sniffing too much, if that makes sense, to where I was becoming nose blind to the scent.  So I threw on my hoodie and let this scent be contained for another 5 minutes.


What I am finding now is dark inky... still observable cherry, but gothic cherry!  This cherry has seen some shit ya'll!  She has layers and a backbone, and  no apologies for her aethestic!  SHE'LL WEAR RED AND BLACK ONLY,  AND GIVE ZERO FUCKS!  But don't judge her too harshly, because she is not overpowering, nor is she hidden.  She remains on the skin, a murky fruity enticement, just waiting to ensnare the next cherry hating fool!  


From wet and wild, to dry and murky, this is a lovely transition that I think will appeal to a wide array of aromatic audiences.  On my skin, it's playful innocense, turned black velvet and blood red highlights.  Artisty at it's finest!

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Moon When The Cherries Turn Black has my favorite bpal label artwork ever.  It's adorable and I love crows & ravens.  My love for the label prompted me to get two bottles of this and I'm so glad that I did.

Cherry is an iffy note for me because I don't like an almond extract / maraschino cherry scent and I find that cherry often overpowers the other notes in a blend and is just way too sweet for me, but the cherry here is absolutely decadent and plays so well with the other notes.

For the first couple minutes on my skin, this is all bright, sweet, red cherry and I was worried, but it quickly melts into the most beautiful, gothic cherry scent with the darker notes coming in so velvety and smooth.  It's a sticky-sweet mashup of cherry and black currant (tangy and juicy mixed with the sweetness) on a base of sultry, dark, resinous amber and plush, dark musk. 

It reminds me a little of Solstice Scents' Cherry Vanilla Amberosia, but this blend is darker and has more complexity and nuance to it.  The smoked amber here is so beautiful and everything is well blended with nothing standing out as overwhelming or too much.  A deep, dark amber that's not powdery or smoky on me, but smells like huffing a chunk of real amber resin.

A little drop of this is strong and long lasting, about 5 or 6 hours before it even begins to fade at all.

I'm in love.

Edited by Little Bird

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i was wary of several of these notes, so i skipped this one on the initial release.  cherry can skew a bit artificial to me, black musk can sometimes be unpleasantly oily or lemony, and black currant can smell like acetone at times.  so there are a lot of ways this could have gone wrong!  but when reviews started trickling in, i started feeling some deep pangs of remorse.  i am SO glad that i was able to pounce on it during a brief restock. my only regret now is that i didn't double down. 


not gonna lie, this starts out as cough syrup.  but persevere!  because soon an inky black ambery muskiness starts sending out tendrils to envelop a diminishing breath of cherry.  what you end up with is dark fruity sweetness riding on a tide of of black velvet.  i really can't pick out any notes besides the cherry, which eventually meshes pretty solidly with the currant.  but the way that deep, sweet, and slightly tart fruit plays against the rich darker notes is heartbreakingly gorgeous.  gothic, romantic, with a touch of playfulness.  i keep picturing a black velvet and lace confection of a lolita gothic frock, with a bit of red silk peeping out in the skirts. 


due to the limited stock available for this release, i hope it returns one day.  anyone who loves dark fruits with resins/musk should try this. 

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Opens with a strong, medicinal cherry. As it dries, the darker notes come out. It definitely gives the effect of a cherry ripening. The amber isn't too smoky, it's just a wisp curling around the cherries and blackcurrant. I was wishing for more tobacco, but there's enough here to add some chewy sweetness. The black musk definitely keeps this from being too sweet. It adds a bitterness that offsets the sweetness of the other notes really well.

It's complex and velvety. Very good for autumn!

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August is my birthday month and I have been waiting for years for there to be an August Lunacy that really appealed to me, so I am super glad to have caught this one.

This is the least edible cherry scent imaginable. Wet, it is a fresh juicy cherry soaking in an inkwell. I wasn't quite expecting so much ink from "inky black musk". Note: just re-read the description and that's not what it says, but that's what I get. As it dries I get great smoky wafts of cherry musk, and long after the cherry wears off there is a bittersweet tobacco-amber thing going on that is just. amazing. I would say delicious except it is the smell of something you do not want to put in your mouth. This is a cherry being used in a spell of questionable morality. I looooooove it.


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This late summer lunacy appeals to me as a gorgeous autumnal Cherry. Everything about it screams fall to me. Dark musks, tobacco. dried currants, smoked amber.


On application this has a huge blast of almond. Stinging when sniffing skin close, its that strong. Like most almond blends on my skin, it is a fleeting top note. I happened to be skin testing Cherry Red and Moon at the same time today, and in doing so was able to see that Moon When the Cherries Turn Black is not as much cherry as I originally thought! Side by side testing with a double cherry blend,  I could isolate the tobacco and the black currants better. Its a rich and fruity perfume, but again reminding me of early autumn as everything seems over ripe and as if its been allowed to stay on the tree/shrub until the branch itself is beginning to to droop with the heavy full fruits. Thats my wrist, y’all… laden with bursting fruits, whiffs of sweet tobacco and dark resins. 


As someone who is always looking for a perfume for October and November that isn’t cinnamon, this is a perfect find. ❤️

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When wet it is very very cherry, but the fruitiness settles in nicely to become part of the perfume, which is wonderfully dark and slinky and witchy. Black musk scents usually don't work super well for me, so this isn't a slam dunk, but the tobacco really helps balance things out as it dries. I can see why it's so popular!

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This one packs a punch, filling the room as soon as I apply it.


Early impressions are deeply, darkly cherry, but also surprisingly boozy. I get tones of sweet bourbon along with black musk, dried black currants, and almond (which smells a bit like almond extract, with the boozy impression). And a little anise? This goes through a phase of making me think something like: Cherry Black Licorice Smut.


Sometimes, the blend smells wonderfully like its description; other times, it's more like the most intense Ludens cough drop.


At the least, this is one for cherry lovers.

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Kind of wishing I got a full-size of this one!! On first application, I wasn't convinced—it smelled exactly like I'd smeared a melted cherry lollipop over my skin. But within a minute or two, that sharp, simplistic candy smell rounded out and turned beautifully dark. There's still a bit of cherry, but it's blended beautifully with the musk, blackcurrant, and amber. A lovely "dark" scent that still manages to be fruity and approachable. Really lovely autumn perfume!!

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I love this one! I only need one bottle on me b/c it can be very heavy in warmer temperatures. This will get a lot of love this winter.

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First blast gives huge cherry cough syrup energy, along with a tingle that made my skin turn bright red and on fire right after a shower! So I suspect there is a cinnamon in here. (Or something else mentholic to bring the heat.) But almost immediately - like, minute 2 of being on the skin - the cough syrup (almond poison effect, but maybe boozy too) starts to burn off, like cooking with liquor, and leaves behind a gorgeously dark spiced fruit set into a rich dusky musk. This is reminding me a little bit of Bloody Mary Bloody Mary, but spicier and more complex.


The more it sits, the smokier it turns. I have a favorite smoked cabernet sauvignon that is silky yet still juicy and perfectly smoked. Moon When the Cherries Turn Black is giving that kind of depth. The tobacco is beautifully woven into the setting, belonging there the way it did in Elephant Is Slow to Mate. The black musk purrs like a jaguar lounging on my wrist. This is SEXY. Whatever the word "black cherry" conjures, it is this in scent form. The deepest darkest cherry, bursting it's so ripe, and the flesh inside sweet and dripping and sun-spiced. Like, these cherries are sex cherries. There's no way to eat them chastely. You are a filthy, filthy animal.


She gives good moderate throw, and lasts hella long. It's worth every bit of hype. If you liked any part of Elephant or that kind of blend, you will not regret Moon When the Cherries Turn Black. Give it a try on skin, ride out the first minute of top note, and you'll be good to go. 


I would wear this while: in seduction mode

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This started out as a strong blast of bitter cherry! So yummy and realistic but sadly that fades soooo fast! It’s really shocking because the note is so strong in the bottle! But alas once it disappears what’s left was just a tobacco ish almost masculine maybe musky scent on me. While that sounds sexy it’s just not gourmand or sweet enough for this girl. I had to give it a go though with all the hype and that adorable label! Super glad I did. But starting to think cherry is just tricky on me. ?

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Am not a fan of cherry/almond, so i'm already biased from the start, but honestly? I do see why this seems to be such a popular one. This is enticing, and the musk and (really soft) tobacco, amber and blackcurrant turn this into a dark delicious goodness. Even i might want to try this if this was available as some kind of sauce to drizzle over a waffle on a cold winter's day... hmmm..

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I have mixed feelings about this.  At first, and for a long time, it is mostly cherry, but it's kind of a fake-smelling cherry that reminds me of a powdered cherry drink mix.  It was a little too strong and the cherry was just too much.  I really thought I liked bpal's cherry scents, I do love some of them, so this was surprising and disappointing.  


But then after 2 or 3 hours the balance shifts just a little bit, the cherry fades somewhat, and I really like it at this stage.  I think I can pick out all the other notes, even the blackcurrant is kind of distinct, and I'm loving the musk (makes me really excited to try the new Menage scent that has cherry and black musk).  


I'm definitely holding on to this and I just have to remember to ride out the first strong cherry phase for a while.  I think it's worth it.  And maybe aging will improve it to my nose. 

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