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Apple Macchiato

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This is a homage to the upstart little sister of Caffeinated Autumn Beverages: apple spice, cinnamon, brown sugar, oatmilk, and caramel apple drizzle over espresso.

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Caramel apple is front and center mixed beautifully with espresso. Coffee is strong at first on the skin but the apple quickly takes over. It really does smell like a certain drink at a certain store (s-bucks), although not as spiced as I assumed it would be. Wouldn't have minded a little more creaminess to settle the apple but this is a scent one could blend easily. 

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Freshly applied, this offers a hot cup of smooth, richly dark coffee (coffee and a bit of grounds, I'd say). A trace of soft, milky caramel swirls in the background, lending its smoothness. The caramel and oatmilk knock on the door of "creamy" without really going in. Mostly, I'm getting rich black coffee with a little hand wave from caramel. Apple is late to the date.


Oh, there she is. Once this dries, Apple makes an appearance but no strong statement. She's behaving really chill, kind of leaning back into caramel as though into a recliner. She showed up, she lets Coffee know she'll take it from here... But at the same time, she can't really be bothered. She and her spice are soft on my skin, more of an autumnal mood than a fruity personality.


This has only rested a day, so I anticipate some shifting... but I dig it.

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Disclaimer: Skin tested with one full day of rest from the mail.


OMG I want to drink this. I won't, but I want to 😂 Starts off strong with a lovely coffee note, red apple, a hearty drizzle of caramel, and chill spices. Already love this one. The coffee blends in pretty quickly, but I'm hoping to get more of it with rest. 

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There's a whole lotta strong black coffee in this Apple Macchiato! If you've been craving an espresso-heavy scent with just some sprinklings of other gourmand notes, here's your ticket. From out of the spices, I am picking up a cardamom rather than a cinnamon spiking this coffee, a bit like Cafe Mille from the OLLAs. It's delicious but also a little on the earthy-savoury side for me. The brown sugar is there to balance it out with both sweetness and darkness, and then as it dries, caramel apple emerges in a lighter, drizzly swirl. It's kind of heady when combined with the coffee that stays very thick and black.


I was hoping the oatmilk would pop nicely here, and it rather does, but in an oatmeal stout kind of way for me rather than a creamy, light, oaty milk. Maybe the espresso is swallowing everything into its darkness. But yes, a stouter oatmeal interpretation is what emerges. I think this blend might pair beautifully with Nightingale or And Here I Shere My Corne. I just want MORE oats! 


(I have a weird experience with the drydown of Apple Macchiato where, a few hours later, I get cedary hamster-cage shavings. CLEAN hamster cage, thank goodness. It's a wildly unexpected stage between the wet/lightly dried stage and the final dregs of beverage. Other apple spice perfumes have yielded corn chip stages on my skin, so take this with a grain of salt.)


In my opinion, the perfume version of Apple Macchiato is darker, stronger, and less sweet than the drinkable one. BUT it's also pretty delectable overall! This easily could have turned into a goopy, sickly-sweet mess on my skin, which loves to take caramel notes and blow them way out of proportion. That didn't happen here! The caramel stayed tame, the apple played nicely, and the spices hum along with the coffee for a richly spiced exotic espresso. Looking forward to seeing how it ages.


I would wear this while: enjoying a November day and needing a pick-me-up at the end of it.

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In order of strength, I get: coffee, apple, and a dark sweetness - caramel/brown sugar, I think! With a kiss of cinnamon.


It's not as sweet as might be expected from the notes, because the coffee is so up front and the sugar is dark brown. I can't pick out any oatmilk, which I was kind of looking forward to, unless maybe it's just smoothing things out in the background. But that's okay; this is still fun, and I don't have anything else quite like it in my collection!


It really does smell like something I'd want to drink on a grey chilly morning, while wrapped up in a cozy blanket - or maybe even getting a jolt of caffeine for braving the weather to run errands!

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starts off... weird.  coffee and apple, of which i'm dubious. 


once applied, it blooms as sweet, rich, caramel coffee.  the apple has disappeared to my nose, but something is keeping this light and fresh on the skin, and i feel certain that's the apple's doing.  these heavy sweet elements could go stodgy on me, but they are kept in check here.  the spices are very subtle, just in there bolstering the rich, roasty depth of the coffee. 


i bought a bottle of this blind because i love caramel apple and i've never found my perfect blend.  this ain't it, but it may be one of my favorite coffee blends. absolutely delicious. 

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After the 'strong coffee!' accolades here, I figured I would pull this one out of rest mode to test it. Very weak apple spiced coffee? Creamy, a bit of caramel and sweetness but nothing that grabs my attention or wows me. If I have to try to enjoy a scent or try to find the notes in an oil, I feel like I'm working for something that should just be obvious enjoyment. Not impressed.

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I never actually tried an Apple Macchiato, because, like Beth said on the website, when I first saw this on the menu at a certain coffee house, I thought, "Um.. ok.. someone has lost their minds!" But apparently it must be good... so why not try the perfume.'


Sniffing in the bottle, I get coffee and a hint of spiced apple. It oddly works and smells very good to me. On my skin, the apple becomes a bit more prominent, and the coffee is more in the background, but I am really liking this combo. As it dries, it is more of an apple scent. To me it is a mix of crisp apple and a bit of spice. Maybe that is the coffee I am smelling. Either way, this is more on the gourmand side for me. Low throw and wear length, but I am enjoying it! :) 

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Oh, this is intense!  Apple Macchiato expresses very differently from bottle, skin or compared with on a cotton cuff or collar. (I am preferring the cotton on my wrist cuff because my nose can isolate the different components.)

I am searching hard, but not getting much coffee at ANY stage, my mind thinks it's boozy.

The dry down on my skin is reminsicent of a high-end niche gourmand. Not exactly Kilian's Apple Brandy on the Rocks, but close. 


Edited by Fiam
Found the coffee! It's on the fresh waft from the bottle!

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Apple and caramel on wet, and as it dries you get a coffee note come through and spices. Ends up very much in PSL territory but with a remembrance of apple. Medium throw and wear length.

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This is mostly about the apple on me at first, which is fresher than I was expecting, and not much spice. Then it starts morphing from apple to coffee, with the coffee being in the background, and the combo smelling somewhat sharp together. Eventually, the coffee gains strength, and the sharpness is smoothed over by the oat milk. It takes several hours before the caramel syrup shows up on me, but it ends up being the dominant aspect of the scent by the end of the day, backed by the oat milk, coffee, and what remains of the apple.


I was not a fan of the sharp phase of this, when the apple and coffee were not jiving together, so I'm letting this bottle go, as I doubt I'd reach for it over other apple or even coffee scents. It was fun to get to try it, though.

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Dark earthy espresso, with swirls of apple syrup. A light dusting of cinnamon – the cinnamon is NOT overpowering in this blend - and background hints of caramel topping and brown sugar. So this treat is sweet, but not overly sweet, which is really how I prefer my coffee drinks. The strong coffee and apple flavoring are the stars. I would order this drink on a perfect fall day.

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What it says on the tin! Smells like the eponymous beverage, which I thought sounded weird at first, but I actually like it better than its pumpkin counterpart. I'm not sure I could pick out the caramel syrup or the oatmilk exactly, but they provide a bit of extra sweetness and smoothness. Similarly, the cinnamon is pretty gentle. After a couple hours smells somewhat similar to Gingerbread Witch - lightly spiced apples with a sort of grown-up breakfast vibe.

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