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Bobbing for Jack O’Lanterns

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Spiced baked apples with nutmeg and cinnamon mushed into pumpkin pulp, glowing peach, and murky clove.

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Spiced baked apples open both the scent's description and experience on my skin. Clove soon spikes as the most prominent spice for me, but ground nutmeg and cinnamon stand in ready support. 


Behind these, a warm, autumnal mush of pumpkin and peach fill out the blend --- as in Jack, they smell dimly candlelit. Not that I read a lot of smoke or bonfire from this, but something glows in a small, candle-flame way... rather like how amber may communicate sunlight.


Spicy, apple-peachy, autumn-gourdy, glowy. Happy with this.

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I wish I could find my imp of Jack to compare this to, because this smells very very similar to the apple-free version on my skin.  I don't get a lot of obvious spice up front, just an aggressive pumpkin blast. Once it dries down it's spicy sort of in the back of my throat more than my nose, with a tiny bit of peach coming out from behind the pumpkin. I still can't pick apple out on its own, or any of the individual spices, but there's a sort of Lambs Wool-esque warmth that suggests them. 


I was hoping for more apple--I think I could have just stuck with Jack the GC and not noticed much of a difference, but it's not a bad scent


ETA: Retested a week later and it's already changed quite a bit--I do now get apple when it's wet, and the drydown is almost pure, delicious brown sugar, but in a much nicer way than anything with a listed brown sugar note ever smells on me. It's going to be really nice on snowy days,  I think.

Edited by LdyKnight

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A buttery pumpkin spice with some notable apple and just a slight lingering hint of peach. In the bottle, it's just your average candle store pumpkin spice, but on the skin is where the magic happens. It dries into something rich and nutmeggy and good enough to eat, with a yummy sort of butterscotch note that somehow stops short of being cloying. Possibly a bit too sweet a scent to wear every day, but definitely a cozy and lovely choice for blustery winter afternoon.

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Fresh apples, warm spices and a soft, sweet pumpkin, sugared by the peach. Dries down to more harsh spices on me, while the pumpkin and apples move aaalll the way to the background, and the peach takes the front seat. 

Nice, but i wish my skin reacted differently to this.

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Honestly what it says on the tin. It's Jack, but with apples! 

This variant is more of the baked apples note that the lab does well, if you like it in other scents you'll like it in this. 

Sadly I have the same issue with this as I have with Jack, it smells amazing, but my skin absolutely eats it, it lasts quite a bit longer with the apple addition while smelling pretty similar, absolutely noting that for my future records. The OG Jack always gave me more of a stewed peaches/peach cobbler vibe more than fresh peach, so I think this is a very nice addition, and if you love Jack absolutely check out this variant. 

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Jack, at least the older bottle that I have, is more buttery than spicy, and Bobbing For Jack is very spicy on my skin.  This goes straight into cheap holiday candle territory on my skin, with the air freshener apple, plasticy peach, and sharp, dry cinnamon.  I only lasted about a half hour before I washed this one off.

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At first test, this was a pleasant spicy fall candle - a great wearable Halloween scent, not too overbearing. A half hour later, however, it's All Cumin, All the Time. 😕 I had such high hopes at first and wish this worked better on me! 

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I found the peach a bit overwhelming in Jack, but I don't smell any peach in this. It's big Apple Spice, maybe veering into candle or herbal tea territory, but I like it.

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