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Scent based on a DnD character

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Hallo, all. New to the forum here so hopefully this question isn't too annoyingly formed. 


So I've been playing this one character for 3 years now, so it seems appropriate to get an oil to represent her. She's a Deep Gnome. (For those unfamiliar with DnD lore, those are gnomes but the subterranean version- less bright and curious, more stoic workaholic jewelers) Her vibe is sneaky, obsessed with gems and magic item crafting. She made a wombat construct friend. Espresso was a dangerous discovery.


So notes I think would fit this? Elemental earth in a cave and mineral sense, rather than a garden dirt sense. Maybe mushroom-y. Not-sweet coffee. Something that conveys "dark." Black-gray-purple with flashes of bioluminescent fungi type colors, if that makes sense.


Now it would seem like Artificer and a lot of Steamworks scents would go super well with that, but I'm not sure I want to smell like a body shop. Gnome is also an obvious one, but seems too bright and fizzy (as much as I personally like citrus.)

I'm fairly new to perfumes in general, so reading notes and imagining the results is difficult. I'd greatly appreciate the help. ?

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Too bad Black Opal is discontinued because I feel like that would fit the black-grey-purple with flashes.  


For cave and mineral what came to mind immediately for me was The Midnight Bell (Dark Delicacies, also discontinued sad face.)   "Diabolical monastic incense and crumbling stone."


Black Annis?  It mentions "damp cave lichen."


For Mushroom:  Destroying Angel or Death Cap?  Honeyed Mushroom & Incense (LE.)  


Dungeon Crawl is a good stone (and leather to me) scent, but again with the limited edition.  


Maybe 13 Hours from the Labyrinth?    Dusty black stone, dried rosehips, black moss, and creeping ivy.  Hmm, reviews are up in the air about stone.  


Here is another thread where someone was looking specifically for the "scent of a cave".  A lot of people mention Kumari Kandam.


skekTek the Scientist?   "Metal and stone and beams of dark light" 


'Tis Strange mentions moss covered stone.


For coffee:  


Black Coffee?  (yule 2020 LE)

There were a bunch of coffee scents "kaffeeklatsch" for Yule 2019.  Coffee Bean and Copal?  Black Coffee and Old Books?

Kobold Barista?



That's all I got.

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This question is so fun! I hope more people ask it in the future. (If they haven't already! I'm relatively new to the forum, too.)


I feel bad recommending past limited edition scents, but one of my faves, A Moonlit Winter Landscape, seems super close to the vibe you're describing. The notes are listed as:


Smoky grey amber, frost-black oak, snow-covered soil, Tuscan iris, storm-grey musk, fenugreek, linden blossom, and benzoin.

It really smells navy blue, steel grey, and dark purple to my nose. The orris note is powdery and soft, and the benzoin is vanillic and sweet. It's not a sweet scent at all though, it really does smell like taking a night walk in the cold air. The soil note feels cold and hard, so it could work really well for your subterranean mineral cave without being too loamy. I think the grey amber is probably synthetic ambergris. Not sure about that one, but either way AMWL has a bit of that kind of dark, mysterious musky undertone. If you can find it on the forum or ebay, I definitely recommend giving it a shot!


I've never smelled it myself, but from what others on the forum have said, indigo musk could be a great note. Lightning Struck a Flock of Witches is a current weenie that has indigo musk, as well as: ozone, benzoin, tobacco, and opoponax. I might be super wrong, but I think opoponax is the same or similar to myrrh, which has a resinous, warm, earth smell. So while I haven't smelled it, the mix between deep and ozonic in this scent could fit your character!


Here's some others that you can currently buy on the site:

  • Fuck You, Said the Raven (again with the opoponax, as well as violets, black patchouli, myrhh, and oak leaf.)
  • Coffee Bean, Cacao, and Khus (reviews say it's an earthy and not sweet black coffee. Could be layered with another scent as well?)
  • I agree with Twilighteyes re: Black Annis.

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Welcome! I love seeing prompts like this, as someone who enjoys pairing scents with my RPG characters too. ❤️ I'll try to stick to the general catalog (GC) to begin with, in the hopes that will make sampling or finding scents easier. Some of the GC scents are temporarily out of stock due to the Lab moving states, but usually you can find some fresh samples (imps) that folks sell here on the forum.


For an elemental earth/cave/mushroom scent, my personal favorite is Death Cap, though it may skew toward garden dirt.


For a "purple" scent, if you like plum, maybe Drow Yoga Instructor (wild plum, indigo lavender, and a tranquil tendril of sandalwood incense) or Drider Crossing Guard (earthy, dry fig, black pepper, nutmeg, and black plum tea).


For a coffee scent, maybe Kobold Barista (freshly brewed coffee with ginger, nutmeg, cardamom, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and cream), if you don't mind some spices. I personally don't find it to be a spice bomb, but YMMV. It's a nice non-sweet coffee scent.


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