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In Silvery Accents, Whispering Low

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A rumbling purr: cardamom-infused coffee bean, myrrh smoke,

vanilla bean, fir needle, and warm, velvet spices.

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This is really lovely! At first, I get a little bit of coffee (it's nice that it's not more b/c sometimes BPAL's coffee notes take over on me), with a tiny bit of sweet resinous/incense-ish (not woody) smoke underneath. As it dries, I get mostly the cardamom, although very much softened round the edges/smoothed out by the other notes. If I huff it deeply, in the back of my throat I get a tiny little wintry hit of fir. I don't really get a lot of vanilla or identifiable spices, I think they're blending almost indistinguishably with the cardamom to lend depth without being quite identifiable on their own. It's mildly sweet but to me doesn't really read as foodie (despite the cardamom being so strong - probably b/c I don't cook with it very often) - it feels more like a light/fresh woody scent. If you don't like cardamom very much, or really wanted coffee and vanilla, this may not be the scent for you, but I'm enjoying it a lot. 


ETA: Okay, as it's dried down further, the loveliest, lightest, almost marshmallow-y vanilla has emerged! 


ETA 2: Further morphing, and I *swear* this dries down to the same vanilla as Antique Lace, or very very close (with a little cardamom edge). 


I'm really pleased b/c I bought it probably almost more for the label than for the scent, which didn't work out so well for me the last time I did this (looking at you, Autumn Landscape with a Flock of Turkeys). 

Edited by dronzeka

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In Silvery Accents, Whispering Low is Morocco’s cousin from a colder climate. It really makes sense that this coffee note is still in bean form. The overall effect is that the notes are bundled together, snug and harmonious against the chill.

This is the kind of scent that will make people say you smell delicious. They might have to get in close to smell it, because it does whisper, as the name says—but the whispers sustain. I put it on last night and could still faintly smell it this morning.

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At first, vanilla spiced latte stirred with fir boughs. Pretty, spicy, sweet and just sharp enough touch of fir.


Fully dried down, I started to ask myself if I spilled Morocco when I was putting away new imps. It's uncanny! Like @boomtownrat said, Morocco from the northern climes.

Edited by elissamay

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This is a morpher! Freshly applied, it's a lot of pure coffee bean and cardamom goodness. As it fades, a vanilla/cognac-like note emerges, and the drydown is comforting and delicious. 

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This is so lovely. It opens with crisp green fir and mocha like coffee notes, then dries down into a smoked vanilla + cardamom situation. I definitely also find a similarity to Morocco on the dry down. It's that same soft incense/vanilla/spice scent. Christmas in Morocco, perhaps? 

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This is so stunning. Right out of the mailbox it seriously smelled like nothing so I gave it a few days to chill, and it's beautiful. Very cardamom and coffee heavy on me with a warm, smoky background. Absolutely a comforting, wintery scent that I see a lot of people loving. 

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Yes, this is stunning!


When I ordered this, I was thinking two things: 1/ This might be a more wintery version of Coffee Bean, Cardamom, and Vanilla Pod, and 2/ CAT ART.


And this is a more wintery version of Coffee Bean, Cardamom, and Vanilla Pod thanks to the fir, but it is even more amazing than I imagined it to be because the warm, velvet spices don't cinnabomb me at all, because, as others have mentioned, they are the spices from Morocco. :thud: 


It starts off with the cardamom being the most prominent, backed by the coffee and Yule-d up with the fir, but over time, the spices from Morocco peak out and end up becoming the dominant aspect of the scent after several hours. It settles into a warm, cozy, coffee and cardamom-tinged Morocco swirled with vanilla, and it's amazing. :heart: 


If you're worried about the myrrh or smoke, I don't really pick up either, and it's definitely not a smoky scent, so please don't let those scare you away from trying this.


This is definitely one of my favorite Yules that I blind bottled, and I'm not sure one bottle will be enough. :wub2: 


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Instant love! My favorite of the Yule this year. In the bottle I smell chocolate (I don’t know what it is that smells like chocolate to my nose), but that fades pretty much right away when you put it on. Morocco and Like the Very Gods fans would love this one. I might need a backup. ❤️

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This is so weird. For me all the scents don’t meld together but shout loudly at first about their individualism. The vanilla bean smells too much like suntan lotion, and kind of sours all the other scents. Cardamom warms up with time, and as it mellows it’s definitely like a milky vanilla chai (dirty chai? Coffee doesn’t seem as foreword as the vanilla and cardamom). I do also get the chocolate notes as was said above. 

Edited by Madame_mina

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On me, this ends up being a cardamom, myrrh, and velvet scent. It does start out as a coffee scent, but the coffee quickly goes away, leaving the cardamom and other spices. The myrrh and what smells to me like a cashmere/velvet note also comes out. Overall, much more of a warm, spicy, cozy scent with a little coffee in the background. Personally, not what I was hoping for, but I tend to struggle with spiced coffee scents.

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A lovely spiced coffee blend, reminiscent of Cafe Mille et Une Nuits.  Very heavy on the cardamom, sweetened by the vanilla, and then as for the fir needle…it's mild, I wouldn’t guess it was there if I didn’t see the notes list. But since I’m aware of it, it does pop up occasionally, adding depth. Basically this will be a perfect backup when I run out of the OLLA blend.

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The fir & cardamom are dominant in the decant, & wet on my skin. 

After drying, it's a snuggly, slightly smokey cardamom coffee next to a fir tree.

Edited to add: by bedtime, this was a dead ringer for Wulric the Wolfman at around the same wear length--surprise!

I'm glad I got to try it, but don't need a bottle.

Edited by Teamama
More about drydown.

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Your reviews convinced me, so thank you! At first I get a nice coffee note with some spices and lo and behold, its a coffee note that works on me, woo! Seems to be more chocolatey, maybe a mocha note? That soon fades for the most part and a Morocco/Eve vibe comes out, but slightly darker and sweeter.


 I don't catch any heck from any problems notes at all! It don't smell like fake coffee, Christmas plug-in, cigarrette, no skin burning or foody vibe from the cardamom, and no plastic vanilla!


Fans of Eve and Morocco and those who tried those but they don't always work on your skin (this is me, sometimes that weird "plastic vanilla baby musk" note @Aveya mentions comes out with those and I become an eternal fence sitter who can't seem to declutter them, but can't seem to wear them often, either): if you take a leap of faith there's about a 75-80% chance you'll land pretty good with this one.


I like this much better. Finally a Morocco I can wear! :wub2:

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I get the "cardamom-infused coffee bean" and nothing else.  I like my coffee scents a little more like brewed, sweetened, milky coffee that's thick with creamer, and this has more of a dry, toasty, roasted coffee bean that's slightly powdery and leaning bitter on my skin.  A good dose of spicy cardamom as well, like 60% coffee and 40% cardamom on my skin.  I'm not really picking up on the vanilla, fir or resinous notes.  I really wish that I could smell the fir & myrrh.

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I do smell spiced cardamom coffee in the bottle, but it quickly turns into Morocco on my skin. Slightly less sandy, perhaps. Not a bit of coffee to be found.


I like it, and I'm a sucker for cat-themed scents, but I don't find it different enough from Morocco. I wish I got more coffee and resins!

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This is one of my favourite scents ever! Smooth coffee, floating cardamom yet sweet enough that it’s delicious and Christmassy 

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i can only parrot the other reviews here... starts off as morocco and cardamom-spiced coffee, and it's pretty outstanding.   these notes are MFEO.  my bestie, unfamiliar with og morocco, declared it "REALLY nice" and "silky." 


all too soon, most of the coffee and cardamom scarpers off, and what i'm left with is like... 92% morocco.  i love it, because i love morocco, but i'm a little heartbroken that the distinctive notes didn't stick around long. 


is it different enough to demand a bottle purchase?  undecided.  i'll hang onto my decant for a while and see where it goes. 


edit 3/11

hallo i'm back.  is 3 weeks "a while"? because wow, this is really changing as it settles.  or my nose was disjointed when i first tried it. WHATEVER.  there is still that morocco-like base, but those fir needles are POPPIN.  goes on wet much the same, with added bonus FIR and lots of it.  wtf, past me??  as it settles in, the cardamom and coffee certainly quiet down a good deal, but they are absolutely still present along with that lovely lovely fir. i'm getting me a bottle, friends.  it's effin gorgeous. 


Edited by MamaMoth

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I've inadvertently been on a cardamom kick, and I love a good coffee scent... So this fit the bill. The only downside to Silvery Accents is that it has no longevity on me. The cardamom and fir are beautiful with the coffee, and while I can't place the spices, this is a velvety kind of scent. Coffee aside, this is what I had hoped Velvet Snow would be like...but that one ended up becoming an extra fuzzy dryer sheet on me (is that you, myrrh). It at least dries down to a very velvety skin scent, the spices faint.


Oh! This makes me think of Turkish Coffee!

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A gorgeous fuzzy brown scent. Coffee, incense and cardamom mak this so rich and snuggly, and I get a hint of fir around the edges for a slightly chilly freshness. 


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Oof, not loving this from the bottle - Getting-vetiver-but-not-quite-vetiver-vibes from this, but once again, changes quite completely on my skin. It's very interesting; there's an almost fruity quality to this, which i think may be the mix of cardamon, myrrh and fir? messing with my head. This is REALLY strong at first, then slowly goes into something more coffee centered, and something i expected more from the notes. 

Still, a slight fruity something there, in the background, with a soooft mix of all the notes, the most noteable the coffee, cardamom and vanilla. 

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This is almost pure cinnamon in the wet stage. There’s a tiny bit of cardamom that gets stronger as it dries. The spice notes move into the background after a while, and it settles into a vanilla-and-bitter-wood scent. This is like a crossover between the gourmand and wood genres without leaning too strongly either way. It would be a good one to try if you’re a big fan of one but not the other and are looking for something a bit outside your comfort zone!

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I'm going to give this one more chance in a few weeks to see if I get anything else other than creamy sweet cardamom coffee, because this scent is just too gourmand for my preference.  Where's the dry woods?

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Spiced vanilla coffee stirred with a sprig of fir needle! The spice notes come out along with a softer incarnation of vanilla as it dries. This is truly lovely, and the coffee note disappeared quickly on my skin, but i really love the way that it morphed into a well rounded and robust chai tea and fir scent! The throw is pretty strong. ? Glad I snagged a bottle!

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I'm really jealous of anyone who is getting a cardamom-coffee scent from this, or any vanilla at all ? Don't get me wrong, it's really pretty, and I get the cardamom-coffee note while it's wet, but as it dries, it's pretty much all silvery myrrh incense (but not "smoky") and fir. The fir note in particular is bullying me, and as a result, this is a colder, silvery (accuracy in the name!) scent to my nose. 


This bottle has had a few months to rest for me. When I first got it, it was even colder and "cleaner," and it honestly reminded me of fabric softener. It's gotten better with time, and even though I'm not in love with it, I do plan to hang onto it to see how it ages. 

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