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I keep coming back to this, I like it more every time I wear it.  I agree the champagne note is stronger.  On me the marshmallow is giving a cream soda vibe.  If I sniff up close the champagne seems a little metallic.  But the throw is bubbly and festive.  Very nice.  


PS.. I haven't tried Unarmed and Laughing, I wonder how similar they are?

Edited by forspecial_plate

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I agree that this is nearly a Champagne SN, which for me is a win since I love the BPAL Champagne note. It's a bright, fizzy champagne with a hint of what's to me almost an orange cream soda undertone? Fantastic. If you love the Lab's Champagne note, you definitely need to try this.


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I would describe this as a champaign single note. The marshmallow is there, but I can't pick it out on its own. It adds a fluffiness, and later a creaminess, to the scent. Overall, the scent is a slightly fizzier, sweeter champaign single note than others I've come across, but a single note none the less. Enjoyable, but I was hoping for something a little more unique.

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I finally got my grubby little hands on this because I love BPAL's champagne note. Holy bananas this was like a champagne single note! I did not get the marshmallow until hours and hours later, and at that point, it was like a hint of marshmallow under the champagne. Very fizzy in the bottle, just as fizzy on skin. Wishing I got more marshmallow but still a blind buy win.

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A fairy-tale fruit danish, some lush combination of passionfruit and apricot (but somehow not fruity at all? Like a ghostly indentation where the fruit once briefly was nestled, and then a gremlin crept in and ate it, so it never made it into the finished pastry?) swirled with cream cheese and wrapped in twinkly, effervescent vanilla cream soda cellophane.

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I seem to be in the minority, but I'm not a fan of the Lab's champagne note (or any companies' champagne notes, now that I think about it), though I am always a fan of marshmallow anything.  On me, this is too much champagne and a barely there whisper of sweet, creamy marshmallow floof long into the drydown.  The champagne is always an odd mix of bright, sharp and clean along with something sickly sweet and kind of pukey smelling to me, plus fizz.  Sometimes a hint of what my brain interprets as lime.

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This was my first experience with the lab's champagne note and WOAH is that fizzy!! It tickles the nose like the brain-tingling Sprite from McDonald's. Perhaps it's the association of said beverage that makes me feel like this has a twinkling lemon/lime zest to it. It's bold and very bubbly, not overtly marshmallow to my nose however this could be taking this champagne from brut to demi-sec. I've enjoyed layering this with other scents (Boozy Lemon Bars, Titania) to add some effervescence! ?

Longevity 4+ hours, throw medium

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This is also my first bottle with the Lab's ? note and unlike several other reviewers I don't get the single champagne note. It definitely starts off very much champagne but after only a few minutes the marshmallow starts to creep into the background. Then, usually an hour or two later it turns into mostly marshmallow with a hint of champagne. Love this bottle!

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