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Strawberry Buttercream Sufganiyot

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I hurried this review a bit, due to the request above, but here goes. 


Strawberry Buttercream Sufganiyot is exactly that! Tart Strawberries, Sweet Buttercream and a very gourmet deep fried dough, then a little extra powdered sugar.These notes swirl softly around, and are staying close to my skin. (No wafts of carnival deep fry oil in fact I would not descible the dough note as deep fried in this blend)


I got my beloved Strawberry Suf out, so they can meet each other, and tested both side by side.  I would NOT trade the old for the new because the new is sweeter and softer, but it's the same strawberry note and almost exactly like the original Suf.  Buy it! Buy it! 




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Tart, thick strawberry jam! Strawberry note is much stronger than the buttercream and pastry notes, both of which I barely smell at all (that happens to me with nearly every suf I buy). Leans more "artificial" than fresh strawberry, with something in it making it very gooey. I've never had the og strawberry suf, but I have had the raspberry suf and it's very similar in that the throw is CRAZY. I love it! 

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On me, this smells like cheesecake with strawberry compote. No pastry note that I can detect. I like Pomegranate better, but this is still super delicious!

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I also get like a strawberry cheesecake sent mixed with fried Sufganiyot dough. It’s sooo good! I collect all the Suf scents and this one ranks high! It’s got great throw and staying power too which is a huge bonus since my skin eats everything up lately! I predict this will be super popular! ?

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Hmm, I could see buying a backup. Light, sweet strawberry, richness, dough. Just so warm and fun. I would say this is going to be one you'll wish you collected! 

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At first, I get sliced strawberries stewed in sugar, a super realistic, sugary strawberry note, and then it becomes strawberry jam. It remains that way for a while, the most delectable strawberry jam, without any pastry. Eventually, the creaminess from the buttercream emerges and it does smell like strawberry buttercream (which is less awesome than the jammy strawberry phase to me, but this is true to the description)... but I still get no actual pastry from this, sadly.


I'll probably keep the decant for the strawberry jam note, but I'm sad that I don't get any dough from this... that seems to be the case with me and a lot of sufganiyot scents, though.

Edited by doomsday_disco

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when i put this on, i'm instantly reminded of a pie i used to make... baked pastry crust, a layer of sweetened cream cheese, a layer of sliced strawberries, topped in a strawberry jello type mixture, served with whipped cream.  this blend has that creamy sweetness, the realistic sweet strawberry but also the artificially tart strawberry goop, and a barely-there hint of pastry.   the boldness of the strawberry is somewhat short-lived, but as the strawberry wanes, the sufganiyot waxes.  it's not completely recognizable as dough or pastry at this point, but it brings a familiar kind of almost-savory-leaning note to the table.  there's also something that nudges it away from being a purely foody scent at this point that i wish i could pinpoint. it's what seals the deal here for me personally, giving this some nuance that i don't always find with strawberry scents. the strawberry is hovering demurely in the background now: quietly sweet on my wrists, bolder and tart in the crooks of my elbows.  


i applied this before bed last night, and was surprised to find it still lingering when i woke up this morning.  i don't usually have that experience with creamy fruit blends. 


i think this is an absurdly long review for a strawberry doughnut perfume, but there ya go.  i indulge in tasty foodie scents in the evening around the house sometimes, and this one will fit the brief nicely. 


Edited by MamaMoth

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This is completely different from Strawberry Sufganiyot! This one smells more like the strawberry note in Strawberry Moon 2019. It's very fresh and juicy, and ever so slightly candied. There's a fluffy backdrop of buttercream and just a tiny bit of a sugary, fried dough note. It's an amazing, delicious, strawberry and buttercream scent but it doesn't feature much of the sufganiyot note, which is what most people probably hoped for in this scent. I'm pretty happy with it but not sure if I'll need to keep a full bottle, maybe a decant! 

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I haven't enjoyed the previous Sufganiyot scents because the pastry part smells weirdly like fig newtons (sort of a dry, granola bar-y pastry) and I don't like it at all, and I'm really iffy on strawberry scents and don't care for them when they smell too sweet or candied, AND I usually find buttercream scents to be too sweet as well.  In light of all of that, I'm not even sure why I took a chance on this and full bottled it immediately, but I'm lucky that I did, because Strawberry Buttercream Sufganiyot is amazing.  I've been having a terribly hard time lately and this has become a major comfort scent and mood booster for me. 

The strawberry is tangy and refreshing like biting into a real, ripe strawberry, but also has whiffs of soft strawberry gummi candy.  The tangy, realistic part of the strawberry keeps everything from being too sweet for me.  I'm getting none of the weird fig newton/granola bar pastry either.  The pastry part actually reminds me of the fluffy sugar glazed puffs from Krispy Kreme, so it's pulling off a true glazed donut type of scent on my skin.  The buttercream isn't even sickly sweet, but I can fully imagine biting into this perfect, cream filled, glazed donut topped with fresh strawberry slices and a little bit of strawberry goo.

Cheerful and perfect.

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Oh yeah. This is FANTASTIC. Juicy, shiny strawberry, and flaky, delicious, doughy powdered sugar GOODNESS!!! This does have crazy throw on me, and definitely a staying power. I LOVE!!! 


An edit, almost a month later: Wow, I've used this a LOT. I SLAAATHER this on, it's so amazing. It's such a sweet strawberry, just barely threaded with buttercream. My mom makes a lot of pastries, and this truly does smell like the strawberry frosting of a cupcake mashed into a flaky croissant style Amish doughnut. Backup bottle worthy, methinks. 

Edited by Weirdgirlpilled

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• initial delicious blast of strawberry 

• Sweet and jammy , but no buttercream (good bc me and lab buttercream have a difficult relationship)

• Can maybe smell a little pastry in this one which I didn’t get from any other suf scent 

• Lasted about 3 hours 

• Will be interesting to see how this ages

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